
How does one qualify for TANF? (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)?

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I am going to be starting a new job but won't get my first paycheck for a month and a half.....




  1. You have to have children to have TANF.

    You can't have a job to get TANF.

    You have to go sign up at the local DHS (Dept of Human Services Office).

    You have to do 35 hours of designated hours (usually job in house structured job search hours, or volunteer internships or sometimes school) per WEEK to get TANF.

  2. You have to have asocial security number to be able to aply.Walk in to a welfare ofice,fill in the aplication and it is very posible that they will open your case the very same day but wont get benefits otill a litle beet after.The better you explain your situation the more chases you have to cualify.ask for help to fill in the aplicatin if not sure.If they believe you realy need it you will get it.Good luck and God bless you.

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