
How does one reattatch a book cover from an old hard cover book?

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How does one reattatch a book cover from an old hard cover book?




  1. Old, hardcover ?  You might want to look for a pro bookbinder.  A major library may be able to steer you to one.

  2. Depends on if the book cover is cardboard or if it has a cloth covering on it.

    If it is card board then I use clear packing tape on the exterior to hold th cover on and a glue made for paper (Buy at art stores) or elmers to glue the first page (usually blank or just the copyright info) to the cover so it is held on both front and back.

    I will put it under something VERY heavy to dry.

    Just make sure you don't use TOO MUCH glue or it will squeeze out and glue other pages together... Take my word on this... It sucks...

    I also use clear packing tape on the covers of my soft covers that I read a LOT to keep the edges from tearing. I use the clear packing tape like a protective 'book cover'.

    I know they sell the official clear "Book Covers" but that usually comes in sheets and it is a ***** to cut out right... With the tape I can do it strip by strip (Vertically) and cut to fit.

    Good luck... Books are great friends and it is sad to lose one! LOL!

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