
How does one receive their 6th sense?

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What are different levels of Psychic abilities and do you own any Psychic abilities? If so, What are they? Who gave you your Psychic abilities; Meaning God or Satan? How do you make your gift stronger? Are there different ways for different Psychic abilities?




  1. i must agree withj crystal dolphin i would say thats about the right description

  2. You were born with the sixth sense dear.  It's inherent in all of us. There's nothing "supernatural" about it.  It is very natural.

    It's just that it's not our society norm to be accepting of this sense, since it cannot be fully explained, and people tend to be afraid of what they don't know or understand - so we are taught to ignore this sense, tune it out as we grow.  Some people reattune to it later in life, some do not.  (Some keep this sense open and active throughout their whole lives.)

    There aren't really different "levels", but there are different ways individuals receive information through this sense, depending on the person:

    In order to further develop and strengthen this sense, regular meditation helps.  Also, there are numerous exercises one can utilize to hone their psychic sense.

  3. I don't have psychic ablities, but I do have a gift from God. It's drawing and singing. Rate my answer please.

  4. I am not really sure if what level I am now and that my psychic abilities are clairvoyance and channeling. I believe that God gave me this gift and of course I would love to develop it for it is a present from God above. Yes there are various type of psychic abilities.

    The truth is, every one has their sixth sense. It will be only in their choice if they would like to open it or not.

  5. These abilities are not gifts from God or Satan. Most people have 5 senses. We, however have 6. Its all to do with the brain and evolution and how humans advance. Some people are just more intune with whats around them.

  6. oooh can you tell me where my long lost parent is?  And if said parent will ever get better?

    If these abilities are true, work with them, thats what Jean Grey did.

  7. I know many posters here talk about clairvoyance and receiving messages. Just do not forget there is the other side of psychic abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy and so on.

    I think everyone is able to use these "powers". You just have to practice them and have faith. If you practice with a negative mind, you will be stopping yourself. So think positive and work at it.

    Good Luck!

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