
How does one repatriate to a country that their ancestors are from?

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How does one repatriate to a country that their ancestors are from?




  1. a visa,

    well it all depends on where your ancestors are from on what you would need to relocate there.

    do you know where your ancestors are from?

  2. Call the consulate. Depending on the country, there may be one in a big city near you - San Francisco, Chicago, New York. There may not.

    You will probably find that you need to have skills (M.D. would be ideal) or assets (like a million dollars you can invest) before they let you emigrate, so you don't become a burden on their welfare system. They may just say no, too.

    Once you are there, you should learn the language, history and culture. After a while you acquire citizenship and renounce your American / Canadian / UK / Australian Citizenship.

  3. Every country has their own immigration laws when it comes to whether they let you repatriate or not. For some it's a matter of you have to be the direct descendent of anyone going back to a certain generation or a certain year. Places like Miquelon just make you descend from any one of the Acadians who settled there. Places like Pakistan make you be descended from a man, not a woman. Places like the US say that your parents had to have been descended from a natural born citizen and had to have been back in the US a certain number of years and accepted their American citizenship even though born abroad. Some countries don't want you back (like Cuba) because they're afraid you're a spy.

    International immigration laws are so finicky that it usually takes a law degree to keep up with all of the nuances. The first step I'd suggest is that you contact the embassy or consulate for the country you want to immigrate to and get their advice on how best to accomplish that.

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