
How does one start a career in paranormal research?

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i am 18 years old and wish to spend my time stuyding the paranormal such as huntings. but i dont know where to start. i am no thrill seeker, i just want to learn and understand as much as i can. how do u find people who need research done? is there any body in the sydney region willing to take me on as a trainee? and teach me.




  1. To be honest, paranormal investigation is more of a hobby.  However, if you are willing to get a degree in a related field, i.e. parapsychology, you may be able to work for a university conducting research.

  2. IDK but WELCOME to Y/A and to the Paranormal Section.!! If you go to Resolved Questions (on the Paranormal Section) you might find some answers to your question. They have given lots of links in the past about this. Go online and google till you find something that helps you. First, you should learn all you can about it..the paranormal..before you try to go on a ghost hunt. If you don't you might misunderstand a lot of things..and also miss things that you wouldn't have noticed if you weren't informed. BUT, being 18 years should spend your time preparing your own life for your future..not getting involved with people from the past. Hope you'll do that. You can do this on the side for a hobby.(but I wouldn't list it as a hobby when applying for a college or a job etc.) Don't be too public in your belief in the paranormal. The world is still kinda living in the Dark Ages about it...not many believe it and will think you're put it mildly.."mentally ill". Good Luck!

    Edit...There's a girl on here from Australia..."333."..maybe she can help you.

  3. I would start with the link below.


  4. If there are any "ghost chasers" that give tours of haunted buildings or cemetery's, I would ask them.

    Or better yet, if they would take you along on some of their excursions as an apprentice.


    I live in the states but I also have an interest in paranormal investigation. Click the link above for a group in your area.

  6. talk to people that give ghost tours research your area and see what groups they have now a days there are paranormal groups everywhere good luck!

  7. Oh my gosh, that would be an interesting life choice, I live in USA and I would think that every place would have a paranormal society where people do this on a daily basis and you could get in touch with them and find out how to join in. We have many tv programs about this subject, very interesting. Good luck.

  8. There is no “formal” schooling required to become a paranormal investigator.  There is no requirement that a person obtain a certain level of education prior to embarking on paranormal studies.  It is only necessary that you have an interest in the paranormal, a respect for all people (living and dead), a quest to seek answers, and an open mind!

    There are many organizations offering “certification”, but you would be well advised to steer clear of them.  In reality, there is no such thing as a degree or certification of paranormal studies (save for a college degree in parapsychology), and there is no such thing as a “Certified Paranormal Investigator”; and those who use those terms or put initials after their names are sciolists.  

    That being said, all of the “schooling” needed to pursue your goal is readily available as information in books and magazines, on the Internet, and by speaking with others with the same interests.  In fact, we encourage you to read everything you can on the subject but at the same time, don’t believe everything you read.  While most of it is well intended, the information is often contradictory and can be confusing.  Additionally, there will be times when you feel uncomfortable reading about certain topics, or strongly disagree with the methods or processes you read about.  Rely on our conscience.  All of the investigators in Paranormal Researchers of Ohio are Christian, and rely on our Faith in God to lead us in our studies and beliefs.  If we become uncomfortable when reading a certain book or researching a certain topic, we stop.

    The field of paranormal research is vast and much has been written. Just as people differ, views on paranormal topics differ. There are no definites when it comes to this subject. For example, whereas some people are convinced that ‘orbs’ in photos are spirit energy, there are others who are just as convinced that they are simply dust.  While looking at a video and seeing a swirling mist, one investigator might interpret it as a spirit manifesting itself into an apparition, while another equally interested investigator might interpret it as fog rolling in through an open window.  With that in mind, remember that it is not our job as investigators to convince others of what we believe.  Listen to and respect others’ opinions, even if they contradict yours. It’s another way to learn.

    One thing that the vast majority of researchers/investigators agree on is to never (ever) use Ouija boards, or conduct or attend séances in your quest for paranormal contact.   We at Paranormal Researchers of Ohio fervently oppose the use of these grievous methods of communication.  If you need more information about opposition to these devices, please contact us.  

    Another thing that most reputable investigators agree on is that no one under the age of 18 should perform paranormal investigations.  Period.  The reasons for this are many, but the first and foremost is the safety issue (You may have read about the Ohio teenager who was shot in the head and chest while ghost hunting, as well as the numerous arrests made when ghost hunters trespass, etc). Paranormal investigations can be physically and psychologically damaging, and children and young adults are far more likely to get hurt, are unprepared for the consequences of interacting with the dead, and, quite frankly, are more easily taken over by ghosts than older adults.

    Please also understand that there is a clear a distinction between "field trips" and "investigations" and between “ghost hunters” and “paranormal investigators.”   There is much more to investigations than just going to cemeteries and haunted places. People need to be properly trained to perform investigations so they can correctly, safely, and legally identify and document paranormal activity. If an investigating team has been admitted into the privacy of someone's home or business, they have accepted huge responsibility and liability.  Also, the Team will be expected to deal with the emotions (fear, confusion, etc.) and danger that can surround the home and family. This is a serious undertaking that, in the professional opinion of Paranormal Researchers of Ohio, should not be pursued by the untrained non-investigator.  

    We hope that this email was able to answer your questions, and give you insight.

    Good luck!

  9. A sure-fire method of surving on paranormal investigator wages:

    1.) Win the lottery.

    2.) Become a paranormal investigator.

    Sorry to seem like such a smarty pants, but since paranormal investigators don't get paid you really can't develop a professional career in this field.  You could become a scientist of sorts and drum up a research grant.  That's really the only professional way you'll be able to make any money studying this stuff.

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