
How does one swirch from the "new" My Yahoo page back to the "classic" My Yahoo page?

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How does one swirch from the "new" My Yahoo page back to the "classic" My Yahoo page?




  1. I can't find a way back either.  They stated that "new" bookmarks may not have followed.  Well, I listen to AOL music everyday and that link did not follow.  I have had it for years.  They cut all the bookmarks that they did not want us to have.  The only way to to have it our way is to pay them.  Who pays for an AOL page or a Google page?  They are stuffing this down our throats and I don't appreciate it.  I gave up the yahoo mail years ago because of the horrendous spam but I did like the layout of the original page.  This page is tiny faded print that takes up much more room.  The calendar takes up 1/2 of one column not leaving room for a whole lot else on the view screen before having to scroll.  What idiot designed this c**p?  I wish I had the time to design a new page at a different site but my original yahoo has been a part of my everyday life for years.  I truly resent this.  I have filled out their "survey" hundreds of times and told them it is stupid, ugly and unusable but they only listen to paying customers.  No other site charges for forwarding mail.  The greed is what is hurting all of us.

  2. yahoo have changed everyone to their new home page by stealth, your old home page is now not recognised by the server so your wasting your time trying to get it back again, it like a new marriage, we are stuck with it for better or worse

  3. Click the same place were you clicked to but new my yahoo

  4. You can't.  But don't just kvetch here.  Provide SPECIFIC complaints at this address:

  5. THERE IS NO WAY TO SWITCH BACK!!!  The switch back is ONLY for mail!

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