
How does one unadopt a child?

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How does one unadopt a child?




  1. what??? why would you want to do that????

  2. You need to be more specific. Are you a birthmother?  A birthfather who was not notified of the adoption?  An adoptee? Adoptive parents?

  3. If you are talking about someone who has adopted a child and then decides they no longer want the child it is called adoption disruption. Basically you place the child for adoption again. Below is something I copied from an adoption agency's website. The agency is A Child's Waiting and I guess they kind of specialize in finding new homes for children in adoption disruptions.

    Can you imagine being a child in a home that can not meet your needs? At times, adoption can not be forever and adoptive children must find a new family that can offer them love and commitment, two essential emotional components. Adoptions disrupt for various reasons. These children can be of any age, ethnic background or race. Sometimes, there are siblings that would like to still live together or have some type of on-going contact. The children’s emotional, physical, educational, or psychological needs range on a spectrum from normal to severe.

  4. You need to have your parental rights terminated.  Try contacting the agency from which you adopted from and explain the situation to them.  The Department of Health and Human Services Child Protective Services in your city may be able to assist you as well.

  5. "unadopt"  not in the dictionary.  Look under "abandonment"

  6. When an adoption is finalized, it is a legal binding contract that creates a family - just as if the parents had given birth.  The child is entitled to all inheritance, etc.  It is not possible to "unadopt".  I'm sure that you could create an adoption plan for the child just as if you had given birth, but children are not just things to "give back".

  7. I strongly urge you to consider that if you are doing this for the CHILD'S best interest, you do everything in your power to find resources to assist you in being the support system the child needs.

    If you take on a child through adoption, you have the same obligation to that child as a biological parent and if you do terminate the adoption, it IS the same as legal abandonment. Many biological parents hand over custody of their children at older ages, but it is excruciating for children to experience.

    You are now that child's parent, 100%. the only person in this world they can rely on. Pull yourself together and find resources in your area that help deal with children who have behavioral problems/emotional /psycholigical/physical problems. In most cities there are networks of parents dealing with similar situations as you.

    DO WHATEVER YOU WOULD DO FOR YOUR BIOLOGICAL CHILD TO BE THERE FOR THIS CHILD. Many parents wind up having a child with disabilities that are more than they thought they could handle, but you buckle up and you deal with it, because it's your child and you do everything in the world to be there for them.

    Good luck! And if you're just curious, then consider what is REALLY in the child's best interest? Being shuffled around or being seen as EQUAL TO a biological child who has problems? People don't abandon their biological children because the child has issues. They abandon their children because THEY have issues and are not willing to deal with them for the best interest of the child.

  8. Place the child under adoption again??

  9. Why would u do that! I was adopted from Korea! That is so rude and mean!

  10. i would never want to unadopt my children. be more specific!!!! because you are about to p**s me off!!!

  11. Do you have more info?  Are you a stepparent wanting to unadopt?

  12. you need to keep your promice and deal with what ever it is that is pissing you off about the kid.   no give backs.  that would damage the kid even more than the original parents did by giving it up.

    try counciling or dr phil

    kids need to feel that theya re loved unconditionallly.

    sounds like you didnt  think this through before you signed the paperwork.

  13. Why would you want to do that? more info.

  14. Please clarify what you want to do.  If you have adopted a child and have realized that it is more than you can handle, that is one thing.  If you are trying to dissolve an adoption of someone else because of a fraud or diress situation, that is another.

  15. Why would you?

  16. omg ur mean if som1 did that to me I would go mentle

    Im foster so they can bring me back any day.....Im a lost puppy

  17. This is referred to as a dissolution of an adoption, here is a site with information on the subject

    I'm assuming you areasking meerly out of curiousity, but if not please talk woth a social worker or therapist with experise in this area.

  18. yes... you should repost this with more information....cause right now you are making jaws drop all over the nation!

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