
How does one use rodent poo as fertilizer? Squash it up into the soil or let it sit on top of the soil?

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I am totally serious. I went to my garden this morning and there was some poo scattered around my mums, my first thought a neighbor had done this since I believe a neighbor pruned my cherry tree for me one day. I certainly wasn't pruning it correctly. LOL! So I am wondering if this same neighbor is scattering poo pellets on my garden.




  1. mix it into your soil around your plant but not to close to the steam you dont want to burn your plant

  2. Just let nature take it's course........she's far better at this composting thing than we can ever be!

  3. Chew it up really well then spit it around the edges.

    I would think that if you have rodent poo scattered around your mums, then it is because rodents are leaving it there. It really isn't a good thing to use as fertilizer. I can't imagine someone leaving it there to help you out.

  4. hmm well rodents are very small, and their poo is even smaller, so my guess is your gonna need an insanely amount of rodents to be of any use.  i think if you got that much patients to pick up rodent poo you could just build yourself a compost pile.   ahhh i just read your added part.  more than likely it was rodents up in the tree, their poo than fell onto ya mums.  if not, it could be fertilizer pellets.  best answer for this is with your neighbor.

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