
How does ones eyesight improve with no type of surgery?

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i was prescribed eyeglasses when i was in 5th grade, and i stopped wearing them after the 6th grade.. this was in like 1996-1997.. and in 2005 i went to get a new prescription for glasses, and the doctor said my eyesight had improved to almost 20/20 vision, and that he was boggled on how that was possible, because my eyesight in 1997 was extremely bad!!! is it possible that my eyes had strained themselves for so long that they had fixed themselves?? if anyone has any clue or info..lemme know..:D




  1. 1. Nutrients.

    2. Some times it fixes by age.

    3. Strong will power for don't want to wear eye glasses. (Which I want to explorer more. I am studying this and will elaborate more in my blog:

  2. Were you longsighted or short sighted ? In other words did you have problems with things being blurred close to you or in the distance. In any event the eyes are still growing when you are in your teens, in fact the grow until your mid twenties.

    now this does not mean they are going to get worse they can get better.

    All errors of vision are largely due to the shape of the eye, and it  just depends how it develops. There is sometimes a familial  connection you can inherit parents or grandparents eye conditions.

    The eye like the rest of the body is made of numerous cells

    many of which only have short life and the are replaced by new growth. This can be quite evident in the front surface of the eye, the Cornea, it can change in shape quite a lot with the passing of time. Sometimes unbelievably. I have known cases where the change is so marked that you wonder if you  have made a mistake in the prescription ! But no, it is a genuine change. This may easily have happened to you as

    you are in a growing stage.  incidentally I have been examining eyes for 60 years ( Yes I'm an antique.)

    I wish you well and hope your sight continues to improve.

  3. I think you grew it out...

    P.S your lucky...My sister has been wearing glasses since 3rd grade and her eyes are getting worse. Shes a 4 for her presciption or something like that and shes in 5th grade now.......

  4. Well thats a good one . Maybe they matured .

  5. Hi there,  Probably when you were in the 5th grade you were prescribed eyeglasses for mainly reading I am guessing? As you got older sometimes this condition called "hyperopia" can correct itself and you could end up not needing glasses anymore. This is very usual in children, they outgrow their glasses when they get older, unless the are diagnosed with a different vision problem, such as "myopia" this problem usually only gets worse as they get older, which is very typical. I work as an Optician and I see these things happen over and over again. Hey be thankful you don't have to wear any corrective lenses at all, that is until you get between the age of 40-45, you will more than likely start to notice a decrease in you ability to see things up close, like very small print........then reading glasses will be needed. This is also typical........:)

  6. There are nutrients out there that actually do promote good eyesight.  I recently went to the doc myself to hear that my vision has slightly improved since last year, which was good news.  Some of the nutrients that are helpful are:

    Vitamin A palmitate and Vitamin A(carrots)

    Lutein and Vitamin E.  So if you ate the right kinds of foods or vitamins, then you helped your eyesight......

  7. Eyesight can be improved by doing specialized eye exercises and by eating healthy.

    Specifically you should consume more fruits and vegetables as they contain lutein and zeaxanthin.  Medical studies show that they are extremely effective in mainting healthy vision.

    Lutein can be found in high amounts in zucchini, red seedless grapes, squash, pumpkin, spinach, peas, celery, Brussels sprouts, cucumber, and green peppers.  Carotenoid content can decrease during the cooking process, so vegetables should be eaten raw when possible, or lightly steamed in order to maximize availability.  Good sources of zeaxanthin are orange peppers, oranges/orange juice, mangos, and honeydews.

    Many of these foods have high lutein content and low zeaxanthin content or vice versa.  However, corn has an abundance of both nutrients, though it is still important to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables of different colors because of the many other nutrients in them that promote overall health.  Egg yolks also contain a high amount of both.

    If you are not consuming enough fruits and vegetables, the federal government recommends at least five servings per day, then a convenient alternative may be to take a dietary supplement.

    My company makes such a product.  It helps athletes with sports vision but can also be used by non-athletes.

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