
How does one’s relationship to one’s past influence one’s present?

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How does one’s relationship to one’s past influence one’s present?




  1. as long as we cling to the past, we project the same old patterns into the now and into the future. only if we start living intensely now, learn our lessons now, instead of selling our precious moment in the present for some dreaming and clinging to the past and projected hopes to the future... we enjoy (in-joy) life.

  2. Casual answer, because we are what we eat. We become who we are because of where we have been, what we have experienced, whom we have known.  BUT we can use all of that in many different ways. We can learn from our mistakes, carry the past love with us as we wander the earth, using our education to the betterment of our lives and souls and others, or we can carry the mistakes, abuse the love, and use our education for mayhem and disaster.  The fun thing about being human is we have choices.

  3. Those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it.

  4. Yes, Hucklebee sp? is right!  BUT we must study our past and the influences around us; then as we LEARN new realities, EVALUATE HOW the past limited us!!!  Of course, continual LEARNING is essential to improving our PRESENT!!  No matter how old we are!!  (I'm approaching 79 this yrs and am STILL LEARNING!  Thank Goodness!)

  5. We only need to make mistakes once, and we learn from it. What doesn't break us only makes us stronger. Thus, our past can make us stronger to face the future.

  6. The past is history just forget it. If you believe in yourself then nothing in the world can inflience in your life

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