
How does online money making work? Is it real?

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  1. Hi my name is Stephane did you heard of the I'm Tired Of Scams Ultimate Package...

    They are giving away free ebooks that teaches you how to earn a living online (How to work online from home)...

    I've myself read their free online money making tutorial eBooks which can be downloaded at :

    I'll show you RIGHT NOW how you can earn a living online in less than 2 month...:)

    You need to create a product...

    You need to create a website...

    You need to sell that product...

    You need to recruit an army of affiliates to promote your product...

    You then sit down and watch TV...:)

    Sorry... You then site down and make money on autopilot


    This is a simple step by step that will guarantee your online success...:)

    It takes time to make money online...:)

    What you can do is to create an eBook about something you know and then try to sell it...

    I don't think that it gonna work...

    The best thing to do is to convert your product into a video format..:)

    Video tutorials are selling like crazy right now...

    Create a Powerpoint presentation...:)

    Record the slide show together with your narations with a free screen recorder...( CamStudion ) :)

    Now you have your own video tutorial...:)

    Design a nice looking website...:)

    Sell that stuff on the net...:)

    Setup your free affiliate program at and recruit thousands of affiliates...

    Pay them $50 commissions on each sales thay make....:)

    Sell your product for more than $75 (To gain credibility)...:)

    Your video tutorial must be more than 3 hours...

    Add bonuses to your product...:)

    O.k you now have 2 month to create your own video product and to start selling it like crazy...:)

    Do you think it's difficult...

    If you need a free step by step tutorial, you can visit my 3 sites at the I'm Tired Of Scams Ultimate Package


    Hey... Let say you are selling your video eCourse at $97...

    You are paying $50 to your affiliates on each sales they make...:)

    This mean that you are obtaining only $45 on each sales...

    Let say you are making 100 sales per month...:) You are obtaining $4500 per month...:)

    Give it a try... Create your own video eCourse and sell it...

    Create an eCourse on something you know...Something that you think others would like to purchase...:) You have two month to do some research work before creating your product...:) Believe me or not, it will work...:)

    If you want to learn how to setup your site, sell you product, getting huge traffic to your site...etc download my two FREE online money making tutorials...


    The Simple Online Money Making People


    Good Luck And God Bless You ...

    P.S Sometime I found it hard to believe that we are children of God... :(

    I would advise you to follow the instruction given within the eBooks ...

    I remember the days when I was like you...

    I've wake up every morning saying: I wish that today I'll learn how to make money online ...

    I've spent 6 month searching on the net the best way to make money online...

    I've soon realised that no company CAN pay you $2000/month by working only 2 hours or more per day (except Google Adwords)...

    You now have the knowledge...

    Use it as a tool ...

    Let say that you were able to sell 1000 of your product in one year...

    20,000,000 internet users were interested in purchasing your product...

    But if you sell only 1000 copies of your video eCourse, you can easily earn $97,000 a year as online revenue...

    If you think you can do it ...

    Then do it now...

    I want you to say: "I will make money online...I will make thousands of sales online...Cause I want it now!"

    Download these free eCourse


    Hope that one day, you'll become an internet millionaire...

    God Bless , Good Luck

  2. Online Money making does work

    When I evaluate a company, I look for these key points. Keep in mind, when I join a company, my #1 goal is to make money and to do it legitimately. I do not want to hurt anyone or rip anyone off. This is what I’ve learned and these guidelines will help you determine what company is right for you.

    1.         If you are not making at least 75% of the upfront commission when you make a sale, forget it. This means that you are doing all the work and the company and/or the person         above you is making all the money.

    2.         If you have to have 1000, 10,000 or 20,000 people in your organization before you make any real money. DO NOT Join. Most people will NEVER get there.

    3.         If they teach you to hold home parties and invite all your friends. Run away fast.

    4.         If they have a sales pitch 2-3 times a day and only 2-3 training classes per week.

    This means that the company is more interested in selling you than training you how to make money long term

    5.         If you can’t break even or get into profit with 3 sales, forget it.

    6.         If you can’t speak with the owners or the corporate office via phone or webinar,

    Forget it. I like to know who I am doing business with before I will do business with them.

    7.         If it is a start up or in pre launch, forget. The chances of these companies becoming the next Amway is about as good as winning the lottery. At least with the lottery, you have a chance to win once or twice a week. You might as well go to Vegas and blow your money on a good time. At least you’ll have some great memories, see a great show and have a great meal.

    These are not all the rules for success on the internet, but this is a great guideline to follow when evaluating an internet company.  Use these guidelines to help you narrow down your choices for choosing a company that best fits yours goals.

                After months and months of research, there is one company that stands out as the #1 Home Based Business on the Internet. The Top Rated Internet Company for Making Money is EDC Gold. EDC Gold gets a Gold Star for several reasons. It is the only company that gives you a real chance to make big money on internet. They pay out 100% commission. The owners work the business with you to ensure your success. The training at EDC Gold is worth the price of admission alone. The Marketing System at EDC Gold is the best. They have a marketing system that flat out works.

    To Learn more about EDC Gold and how it can help you be successful on the internet…..

  3. My name is Chuck and I've been involved with Multi-Level Marketing for 10 years. I've tried many different techniques to develop my home business, but now I use The SpiderWeb Marketing System developed by Kimball Roundy, because it actually works.

    The SpiderWeb Marketing System is the most efficient way to generate leads for your business. This system utilizes well-taught Internet marketing strategies to grow my network more effectively than any other system. There are many different programs that make similar claims, but because of its funded-proposal system, The SpiderWeb Marketing System continually perpetuates both its revenue generation and its lead generation.

    The SpiderWeb Marketing System is also unique for another very important reason. Its totally FREE. Similar systems will charge as much as $1500 for the information that The SpiderWeb Marketing System teaches totally free.  After learning and applying the The SpiderWeb Marketing System strategies, it will grow your network quickly and effectively, creating new leads that actually want to come to you.

    To learn to Spin your own World Wide Web, email me or visit the link's below.

  4. This is the best site i've came across. It's fast and its free!

    Read about it here:

  5. There are a lot of ways to make money online. Be sure you get good information about it, not scammy stuff, although sometimes it's hard to know the difference.

    I would suggest getting some free information that will show you different ways to make money, then choose something that appeals to you.

  6. definately real checkout they have a lot of sites that are legit complete with  reviews and payment proof! Sites are only listed here if they have a PROVEN pay record! I also do marketing online to help people make more money on these type of sites. Subscribe to my channel on youtube. Http:// with the right tools its easy to make over $1500 a month when you 1st start off the more you put into it the more you get out!

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