
How does our blood system??

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How does our blood system use water to keeps us healthy and alive? List as many reasons as you can max is 15. The most useful get 10 points : )




  1. well, firstly it reduces viscosity of blood, it makes it easier to transport materials

    it is also a universal solvent, it helps with transport too (because dissolved substances can be carreid there)

    it has high specific heat capacity, it makes sure blood temperature duzent change too much (hence we are "warm-blooded", meaning we hav constant blood temperature)

    it is a componenet of blood plasma

  2. it make up to and over 70% of your body

    is in everything eg blood supply, lymph, saliva, glandular secretions and cerebrospinal fluid.

    our blood is 92 %

    Water helps us to digest food. Water is used to maintain proper body temperature. Water gives our lungs the moisture we need to breathe

    Water provides for the form and functioning of our body's 100 trillion cells. When our cells are starved for water, they become parched, dry and more vulnerable to attack by viruses.Water holds our body's nutrients in solution and acts as a transportation medium to bring them into our cells. And likewise, water holds our waste products in solution and acts as a medium of transportation to eliminate them from our body. This waste comes from the cellular level, the bowels, blood stream, lymphatic system, and every organ, muscle, bone, connective tissue and piece of flesh in our body.Water constitutes, regulates, flows through, cleanses and helps nourish every single part of your body. But the wrong kind of water -- with inorganic minerals, chemicals and other contaminants -- can pollute, clog up and turn to stone in every part of your body.

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