
How does pantheism erode the power of religion?

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How does pantheism erode the power of religion?




  1. To deny the personality of the First Source and Center leaves one only the choice of two philosophic dilemmas: materialism or pantheism.

    In the contemplation of Deity, the concept of personality must be divested of the idea of corporeality. A material body is not indispensable to personality in either man or God. The corporeality error is shown in both extremes of human philosophy. In materialism, since man loses his body at death, he ceases to exist as a personality; in pantheism, since God has no body, he is not, therefore, a person. The superhuman type of progressing personality functions in a union of mind and spirit.

    Philosophy, to be of the greatest service to both science and religion, should avoid the extremes of both materialism and pantheism. Only a philosophy which recognizes the reality of personality--permanence in the presence of change--can be of moral value to man, can serve as a liaison between the theories of material science and spiritual religion. Revelation is a compensation for the frailties of evolving philosophy.

  2. I'm not so sure that it does according to ths one answer I gave.

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    Is the true answer to life's great questions that the questions are in fact irrelevant?

    3 weeks ago

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    3 weeks ago

    On your deathbed do you think the answers really matter anymore or does the inevitable render the answers irrelevant?

    That is what I am getting at.

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    by Uncle Remus 54 Member since:

    February 03, 2007

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    17843 (Level 6) Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    If one thinks that way then one considers that man is no more special or different than any other living creature. And we have no record ever that any other living creature besides man has ever considered such a thing.

    The answer you seek is found in another mystery. Life we think came from nonliving material in the universe. But man has not discovered what caused to life to happen from nonliving material. Since man does not know how life started then it must be possible to think that life as we know it may not end at death.

    This rationalization opens the door to understanding why it is possible that men could create a concept of another world and other beings where such answers could be found.

    Consider also that before man is born into this world he lives inside his mothers womb for 9 months. He has no knowledge of the world outside his womb. But as he is growing his body is growing limbs and lungs and ears to hear with a a brain to think with. Not to stay in the womb but to be born and learn to live in a world he never knew ever existed.

    Another analogy about life existing in different forms is the way a caterpillar dies like in a cocoon and is rebirthed as a butterfly.

    Nature shows us that life does not stay the same. It is beyond our understanding as the caterpillar that did not know it would change tnto a butterliy. Or a fettus that would be born into this world as a baby. Or as life cane from nonliving material. Thiese are all mysteries of life.

    The conclusion then is that life is teaching us that man cannot determine that death is the final reality of life. That important questions that appear to be irrelevant now could possibly be answered at death.

    This way of thinking man has thought of before and of necessity allowed a philosophical and spiritual expression to explain man's existence on earth.

    What I am getting at is that I believe in the religous interpretation of life. I hope that I have shown steps as to why a religious expression of life is not at all irrelevant. And is why so many since the dawn of man have accepted the wisdom of men who looked in this area to explain certain mysteries of life.


    3 weeks ago

    0 Rating: Good Answer 1 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse

    Asker's Rating:  Asker's Comment: I really appreciate your answer and I am coming at this from a Pantheistic point of view

  3. If God is everywhere and is everyone, then the religious authorities have no power over others or tell them what to do.

  4. Pantheism isn't really specific i guess.

    God existing doesn't mean any particular religion is the "right" religion.

    God is just...God.

    Religions are totally made up by people. You can pretty much guess that because If God really talked to all of them he has a lot of problems making up his mind. Everyone thinks their the "chosen people" No big religion is any different except maybe for certain philosophies people follow just because it works for them.  

  5. The answer is simple ignore all the silly mumbo jumbo above:

    "God don't pay the bills"

  6. The chief objection that I have to Pantheism is that it says nothing. To call the world "God" is not to explain it; it is only to enrich our language with a superfluous synonym for the word "world".

    - Schopenhauer

  7. Kent C. Detrees (lol) knows the answer, where others seem not to get it.  You should give your selection to him, this time.

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