
How does paul refute the accusation that christ promotes sin?

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Bibile questions Galatians 2 17-19




  1. What does this RELIGIOUS c**p have to do with SOCIAL SCIENCE?... take your GEEZUS to the religious strings.... I'm tired of reading this nonsense on non religious strings.

  2. Your answer is, Galatians 2: 16.

    He was speaking to the law of Jews, complicated by customs and traditional practices.   He said that no man is justified or saved by the law. (Galatians 2: 16)  

    To the Pharisees Christ was a sinner because he did things like heal on the sabbath. They viewed this as a violation of Gods law.  The Pharisees could not see past the law, they ignored the for-telling of Christ in the old testament.

      Christ is Lord and the sabbath belongs to Him. The salvation comes from His sacrifice, not law. When you accept Christ you are convicted of your sin and cleansed of sin.    

    Social science defined: social sciences tend to emphasize the use of the scientific method in the study of humanity, including quantitative and qualitative methods.

    EDIT: singhcanto,  social science is a study of society, this includes societal belief systems.

    P.S. Put some butter on it.

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