
How does ping affect cs 1.6?

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How does ping affect cs 1.6?




  1. Ping is a measurement of the quality of your connection to the server which hosts the game you're playing.

    The larger the number, the worse the connection or the farther the distance from the server.

    Consistently high numbers could indicate various problems with your network, internet connection, or computer.

    Usually high ping goes along with lag and a generally unpleasant gaming experience.

  2. Your ping denotes your latency, or delay / lag, in communicating with the server.  It is usually measured in milliseconds (1000ms = 1 second).

    So if you have a ping of 100ms, the delay between you pulling the trigger and the weapon firing should be approximately 1/10th of a second.  Conversely, if you have a ping of 2000ms, you might as well just paint a big ol' bullseye on yourself and go get a sammich while you enjoy two seconds of delay between what you're doing and what's really happening.

    There may be other sources of lag, though, such as antivirus (sometimes), out of date hardware, and software conflicts.

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