
How does planting a tree make a difference in the enviroment?

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I already know it gives off oxygen, takes in carbon dioxide, and provides a home for animals. Can you help me?




  1. If it makes pinky feel good, then that is all that really matters.

  2. There is a balance, an equilibrium, in the support system of our planet.  At one time, this planet was covered with volcanos and like a teenager with a zit problem, and the remedy to that was a naturally occuring thing, just as the zit problem goes away naturally.  The volcanoes were pumping out sulphur and carbon dioxide into the air and choking everything.  And this led to a type of organism that absorbed the carbon dioxide; a tree is a living organism.  There will grow as many trees as there is carbon dioxide in the air.  But, we disrupt the equillibrium by clear cutting forests and building larger cities that act as small volcanos.  When you plant one tree, you are able to work on a balance in the atmosphere around your location.  A tree is tall and it adds to the breathable oxygen and birds need lots of oxygen.  Humans have bushes and grass.

  3. well, a tree alone, makes little difference, but united all those single trees, as you know make O2, and gets rid of CO2, and yes it does often give animals a home.

    There are alot of small things it does. Roots changes the permeability and airation of the soil. Trees can also provide nutrition for animals, fruits, and also some eat the leaves and wood.

    Here is another example of how trees help, In the redwood forest, plants under the trees, and the actual trees need water of coarse, and in CA, it is foggy alot, and rains less often, so the needles of the trees capture some of this fog, and it condences on the needles. Water drops fall to the ground providing the plants under it with both water, and nutrience from the top of the tree.

    Thats anothere thing, nutrition. It holds vitamins and minerals, and when it rains, some of them are washed onto other plants. Also, when the trees die, it makes soil that is very rich in nutrience, and it fertilizes other plants naturally.

    Trees also provide shade, both for animals, and plants. some plants need either shade, or inderect light instead of direct light, so trees provides more locations for these plants.

    Trees can change the climate as well, humidity, oxegen, air qualkity, richness in soil. Thats on reason why Colorado has less oxegen than lets say......California.

    Trees, as i said, play a major role in nature! By planting a tree, you may not see many results, but it helps alot, because if everywhere, people are planting a tree, that REALLY adds up! like coins in a jar!

  4. The tree's root system acts as a water filter, helping the ground keep fresh water in our reservoir system and streams, ready to drink.  You know what they DO, but do you understand why it makes a DIFFERENCE?  Trees "give off oxygen", which helps US breath better.  Trees "take in carbon dioxide", which is the poison WE cannot breath.  Animals and birds mostly live on bugs and vermin, keeping our environment free.

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