
How does planting trees help stop erosion and how does mulch do the same?

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How does planting trees help stop erosion and how does mulch do the same?




  1. Trees have roots, which cluster together and it also absorbs water. When it rains, the water will have a hard time going through the soil and it will be absorbed, preventing erosion. Mulch just stops the flow of water on top of surface and prevents layers of dirt from being exposed and blown away.

  2. How trees stop soil erosion:

    1. the roots hold the soil together,preventing the soil from eroding.

    2. the trees also act as wind breakers.they slow down the velocity of winds thus reducing the effect of wind.

    3.Trees also reduce the speed of flowing water there by reducing the erosion.

    How mulch reduce erosion:

    mulch is added on the top not only enhances the nutrient content of the soil but also covers the soil thus protecting them from the eroding forces such  as wind and flowing water.

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