
How does pneumonia get caused?

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How does pneumonia get caused?




  1. Pneumonia is an inflammatory illness of the lung. If the lungs become infected with bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms, then you have pneumonia. What’s more, the literal translation of pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. Usually starting as a cold, the bacteria spread and quickly enter the lungs. Pneumonia can be very serious in the very young and the elderly. When diagnosed and treated early on, you can expect a full recovery from this disease.

  2. Pneumonia can be caused by virus, bacteria or fungus.  Sometimes follwing an upper respiratory cold.  It can also be caused if you aspirate(inhale something like food into your lungs).

  3. A pneumonia is an infection in the lungs.  Suprisingly, not all cases are caused by inhalation of bacteria.  There are also cases caused by hematogenous spread - contamination through the blood by an infection somewhere else.  These can be bacterial, viral, tuberculous, fungal, chemical, even parasitic.  Foreign bodies aspirated can also cause a pneumonitis which can be indistinguishable from a pneumonia at first.  Bacterial pneumonias can be gram positive, gram negative, anaerobic, atypical,or opportunistic.

  4. caused by a virus

  5. Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs.It can be caused by bacteria ,virus and irritant chemicals.It can spread through the air -droplet spread inhalation of volatile irritants,aspiration of stomach contents etc.If your immunity is reduced as diabetes,steroid intake,HIV infection you are more prone for it.Moreover in such situation many very non virulent organism can cause severe pneumonia.Pneumonia can spread through air coolers -Legionella epidemic.Patients present with cough ,fever,catching chest pain.treatment is antibiotic,rest ,pleanty of oral fluids.

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