
How does promethazine effect you from a recreational standpoint?

by  |  earlier

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I have these pills that were prescribed to my son but i wanted to know what it does to you when use abuse them. they are 25mg pills. How many of them does one have to take? What is thier street value?




  1. promethazine in 25 mg dose is for nausea the primary side effect is drowsiness so it stands to reason that increased dosage would increase that effect which some addict might seek but there is no real market for the drug on the street like there is for narcotic pain medications, ADHD medications, sedative hypnotics or benzodiasapines. I am curious about the nature of your question you do not say why you want this information, are you looking to sell them? To use them? Or are you looking for information in order to prevent your son from doing so? If the later is the case and he has completed the prescribed regimen you are best off disposing of them.

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