
How does psychology help me become a marine biologist?

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i want to work at sea world or somewhere where i can work with animals but i wondered how does psychology help with marine biology can anyone help me please?




  1. If the work you want to do with animals has anything to do with their behaviour or mental processes, that's psychology.

  2. Um... maybe it will help your monitor the behavior of animals? Maybe us humans and animals have that in common...

    That's all I got.

  3. so when the crabs are goig through something personal you can be sensitive about it.

  4. Behavioral research?  Working with the animals and training them for shows?  

    I'm sure someone with a psychology background could find a position at a place like that.  You may have to build your knowledge of "marine biology" so that you have a base line understanding of a different species and their habits, but Skinner worked with rats and Pavlov worked with dogs.  Why couldn't you work with dolphins or other marine mammals?

    Good luck.

  5. It doesn't, they make you take gen eds so they can suck more money from you.

    most of college is a money scam

    although it is good to learn things that aren't really apart of your major.  

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