
How does public transportation contribute to a healthier Earth?

by Guest62618  |  earlier

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like the trolley and bus




  1. If you stick 40 people on a single bus, who each might normally drive a car, then for the cost of the pollution of one bus you are eliminating pollution from 40 cars for that day - a very big saving.

    If you stick 200 people on a train, saving pollution from 200 or so cars, the savings are magnified several times again (a single train still pollutes way less than that number of cars).

    Even accounting for cars having more than one person, the savings are still big. Though from my experience in traffic jams in the US, 90% of the cars carry only one person!

    It is not just the pure pollution you are saving. In the process, you are consuming far less fossil fuel. Less smog, less noise pollution, less fuel consumption, less fuel needing to be refined, less money spent on running costs - all positives.

    Public transport leads to a healthier Earth AND healthier people (we are of course assuming it is actually used when it's available).

  2. For example if you take a car for say 20 people, and each has their own car, the smoke from the exhaust pipe will pollute the air 20 times as much as the bus. Public transportation enables more people to travel in a single vehicle without wasting at the same time $$$$ and make the air less polluted.

  3. I believe that the public transportasion is a solution for the earth. If we use the trolleys   the smoke from the cars will be less. There will be not traffic problems. This is my opinion about this subject!

  4. less people will drive their cars. thus contributing less CO2 & CO. More energy will be conserve ie, gases, fuel etc.

    The earth will be a cooler place to leave in.

  5. I see countless empty busses running around Flint, Michigan.  Big ones with no one in them.

  6. Well More People Will Fit In One Vehicle And Then Theres Not So Much Waste Of Petrol.

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