
How does publishing work?????

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I'm writting a book and i think i know of a good publisher but when i'm finneshed with the book how do i go about sending it to the publisher?




  1. It's just like getting anything printed- just choose who you want to print it, and call them for specs. Different shops have different ways they want it sent (format, size, etc.) It will also depend on if there is artwork, if you actually need to get it laid out or if you're sending it to them press-ready, how you're getting it bound, etc. Unless you have a book deal, you would be paying them, so they would be more than happy to walk you through the process. Also, I don't know if you've done any checks on the pricing, but the typical book you see in a bookstore is way more expensive to produce than you probably think, especially on a limited quantity, so you might need to call around to find a less expensive way to distribute your work.

  2. Your novel should have been polished until it shines. All loose ends should have been tied, all grammar and spelling corrected.

    As for the rest, here is copy of my previous answer on the same subject:-

    In order to prevent your work been thrown onto the slush-pile it must be presented in the most professional way you can. See my bog to get the standard way to present.

    There is no guarantee they will read it even then, but without, it will be dismissed out of hand.

    It costs nothing to publish through conventional publishing houses. If anyone asks for money, it's a scam - back away.

    You'll find a list of reputable publishers and agents in Just pick one to suit your genre. Not all publishing houses in the UK require agented submissions, check the list to be sure. I understand publishers in the USA generally require you to use an agent.

    When you've selected a publisher, send a short, polite, letter of enquiry.

    Before you send the letter of inquiry, be absolutely certain you've tied all loose ends and make sure you've followed industry standards for presentation.

    Edit out ALL unnecessary pronouns and adverbs - nothing screams amateur more than overblown descriptions. Most new writers feel they need to give full descriptions of everything in the book. DON'T. Sometimes what's left out says more than what's in....

    When you've cut, cut, and cut; when you've polished it until it glistens, write the letter to your chosen publisher. Explain any experience you may have, the genre of the work, the word-count, and present a VERY short synopsis of about 100 words (see book blurbs for examples). Only present a full synopsis IF the publishing house asks you to submit the first three chapters.

    In terms of an agent - it's almost as difficult to gain acceptance with a reputable agent as a publishing house. You must go through the same process.

    Join a writers circle such as to see what other professionals think of your work - it's free and helpful. The critiques are useful and generally honest - be warned. The forums are friendly and informative. I think you'll enjoy it.

    Hope this covers the things you wanted.

    Anthony James Barnett - author

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