
How does "less government" and "more freedom" figure into brainwashing your kids with your beliefs?

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The same group of people who seem to equate "less government" with "more freedom", seem to be the first to want to withold information and education from young people in favor of their own morality and religious upbringing. They are also the ones who seem to protest teachings of evolution and s*x. They also seem to frown on independant and critical thought.

So how does brainwashing your kids and forcing them to believe what you believe, in any way shape or form make them, or society, free?

Please help me understand, I would appreciate your opinions. Thanks.




  1. its difficult to hold some similar ideas as others within "groups" and not go into this mode of sharing ALL similar ideas/beliefs. this goes for either side of the coin. parents instinctively want to instill similar values in their children ((their egos of sorts)). if we thought there were a better way to "be", to think, we would choose that. we all think were right and we all want our kids to continue a tradition of our own design.

    as for this specific sect of society, i think a lot of them do fall into the aforementioned trap. i dont know that they all are as adament about all the issues they are pro/against. but its kind of the nature of "group-think", and we cannot dispute the validity of some ideas/beliefs, even if we dont choose to subscribe to them. as for the evolution and s*x protests, a lot more "liberal" ((the target group youre referring to)) parents are opposed to teaching evolution because it is often very biased in either direction by the instructors personal feelings. plus we are not taught other religions conflicting world views in most science classes. these are taught more objectively in classes like "world history", which accounts for all religions equally. but i think a lot more "liberals" are pro-s*x ed. its a lot of the bible-beaters that would prefer to live happily in denial that the "promise" rings their kids take in 9th grade ((vow of celebacy til marriage)) will deter them from having s*x at some point. s*x is a real part of high school, and sometimes even middle school. so its realistic to teach early.

    i totally see your point though; i think we all need to be a little more open-minded and accepting of varying views, even if they come from a nearly identical genetic clone.

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