
How does rain work?? does it come from the sea?

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How does rain work?? does it come from the sea?




  1. Yes...among other sources.  Water evaporates from the earth's surface (rivers, oceans, plants, ect).  It remains in the atmosphere until some trigger forces it to condense and form clouds.  Eventually the clouds precipitate in the form of rain or snow.  Water is absorbed into the soil, by plants, or flows into rivers and streams.  It later evaporates back to the sky completing the water cycle.

  2. Basically - evaporated from lakes rivers & seas and then goes into clouds from there it then rains.

  3. Rain does come from all sources of water including the sea.Rain is formed by evaporation of this water which rises into the atmosphere and forms into clouds. The darker a cloud is the more moisture it is holding until the weight of the vapour in a cloud becomes so heavy  that this moisture starts forming into droplets, and then it rains. Would you believe that the tap water you drink has been recycled about 100 times and is the same water that was in the sea 100 years ago. It is true!

  4. There are a three main types of rainfall: relief, frontal and convectional. The difference between them is the conditions which these types of rainfall occur:

    Relief Rain

    Relief rain occurs when warm air is blown inland from the sea by the wind. Where there are mountains, the air will be forced to rise over them. The air will cool and the water vapour in the air will condense and rain.

    Frontal Rain

    Frontal rain is associated with depressions. This is when warm, moist air from the tropics meets colder, drier air from the polar areas. As the two masses have different densities, they cannot merge and so the warm air (being lighter) is forced over the colder air and then once again the water vapour is forced up with the warm air and then condenses to form rain.

    Convectional Rain

    Convectional rain occurs when the ground is heated by the sun. The air adjacent to the ground is also heated, it expands and begins to rise. If the ground is wet or heavily vegetated there will be evaporation. As the air rises, it cools and the water vapour condenses to form rain again.

    Hope that answered your question... and made sense :)

  5. Don't forget the water vapor in emissions from factories, and even forrest fires. Infact forrest fires can put so much moisture up into the air that they can creat their own weather. Yes that means getting rid of cars and other CO2 emitting practices will reduce rain fall.

  6. Rain is the product of condensation of water vapor around condensation nuclei in the atmosphere. When moist air is lifted up to the Lifting Condensation Level (LCL), this process occurs. Multiple droplets join together to form larger droplets, which eventually fall due to gravity. The source of moisture is generally large bodies of water such as the Gulf of Mexico. Southerly winds at mid-levels (850 mb, etc.) carry Gulf moisture to Northern regions. Rain falls, evaporates again after going somewhere, and the process repeats itself. That's what the water cycle is.

  7. This depends on what type of rain that you are referring to. As there are at least 2 different ways in which rain or precipitation (any wet stuff that falls from the sky) can occur.

    1) Relief rainfall - this occurs when moisture is picked up through evaporation on prevailing winds coming from the ocean, then as the winds carrying moisture meet a land mass and generally an upland area close by to the ocean, the wind and moisture is forced upwards where the air is cooler and the moisture condensates into clouds and the weight of the water in the cloud becomes too heavy and this falls as rain.

    places where this happens UK and new zealand.

    2) convectional rainfall - this happens when the sun heats up humid ground below it which causes evaporation where the moisture then rises and condenses into very tall clouds which can grow up to 7-10 miles high and then there is a huge thunderstorm and it rains, A LOT.

    this usually happens in very hot or humid places such as tropical rainforests like Brazil or central Africa.

  8. its basically called the water cycle:

    1. Evaporation

    2. Condensation.

    3. Precipitation.

  9. its simply the water cycle.  first it is water vapors in which it evaporates up into the clouds and then it stays there til the cloud gets heavy which is called condensation and finally when the cloud is heavy enough rain falls down in what is called precipatation, which is rain and then it just keep repeting it's self

  10. Rain comes from the clouds. It starts off by water on the ground such as puddles, and as large bodies of water, then when it gets hot the water makes condensation that goes into the clouds and after so much the clouds get heavy and then it rains. I hope I explained this right

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