
How does recoil operation on a gun work?

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I'm looking for a diagram and an explanationn on a handgun (ie m9) and a fully automatic rifle (ie m4 carbine). Thanks




  1. I`m sorry that I`m not good at drawing diagrams. But I`m sure that the recoil on guns make the bullets targeting more premisely and effectively.

  2. Most semi-auto handguns work on blowback. Which is just the rearward travelling energy after the round has fired driving the breechblock and slide backwards to extract the spent cartridge and recock the weapon., chambering a new round on the forward travel.

    Most assault rifles and machine guns work on gas systems. The gas from the propellant naturally follows the round down the barrel. This is bled off through a port and drives a spring loaded piston (or in the case of the M16 the breech block itself) rearwards whereupon it moves the breach block rearwards ejecting the spent case and recocking the weapon. The return forward motion of the breechblock chambers the new round and the process starts again.

  3. Google :

    sidearm :


    AK47 video :

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