
How does red Eastern red cedar compare in growth habits, looks to Leylandi Cypress?

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I have seen both of these and I like the looks of both, but I have heard good and bad about Leylandi, but not much about Eastern Red Cedar.

Also can anyone say if Eastern Red Cedar is the same as Green Giant Arbovitae?

Have heard that these two are the same, but was wondering why one is called Arbovitae and the other is called Cedar?

are they in the same family or not?

Thanks for your answers!




  1. Cedrus is the Latin for Cedar, the leylandii will grow much more agressively.  Red Cedar will need more care in the UK!

  2. Eastern Red Cedars are slow growers and will reach a mature hight of 50 feet and a spread of 15 feet.   The Leylandii Cypress trees are fast growers, once established will grow 3-4 feet per year and will reach a mature hight of 60-70 feet and a spread of 20-30 feet.

    The Arbovitae trees are a form of White Cedar while they are still cedar the are not the same as Eastern Red Cedar.  The easiest way to tell the difference is that Red Cedar will get white berries and will have scales that will hurt your hands if you rub your hands up and down the branches.

    Both are handsome if healthy.  I'd do some research and see which grows the best in your area.  Some may do better than others.

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