
How does rice grow?

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How does rice grow?




  1. It grows in a marshy, swampy like area, on plants that look sort of like grass.

  2. ok, this is not how rice grows but I thought it was interesting, rice contains a poison that is not removed by boiling. You know how people get sick after a buffet and always say it was the chicken or the fish? apparently, people are so aware of the issues with fish and chicken that they are very carefull with its preparation, but not so with rice....they cook it too soon and leave it and then every one gets sick....have you ever smelt rice that has gone off? man, it stinks...

    And, this is just a thought, but if you were a rice farmer standing up to your knees in a paddy field of water wearing nothing but a loin cloth and you need a p**s are you going to walk to the edge of the field??LOL.

  3. African and Asian types of rice are grown in two ways depending on the location and climate where it was planted. There are two types of growing rice in certain parts of the country.One of it is called lowland rice. This requires rice being grown in flooded plains called paddies so its roots could be able to make use of the nutrient content from the water it was planted in. Paddy rice farmers usually plant the seeds first in little seedbeds and transfer them into flooded fields which were already plowed. Other highly-developed countries plant the seeds using a drill in fields already levelled mechanically. Afterwards,it is flooded either by rainwater or by irrigation.

    In places where there is no enough amount of moisture to nurture the crops,upland rice is used. Rice is planted on soil and its roots only extract nutrients depending on the nutrient content of the soil. This method produces less rice varieties since only a few amount of nutrients are available for the roots of the rice to extract when compared to paddy rice,where enough amounts of nutients are extracted. One country like Laos depends on this process.

    In both types of methods,rice could readily be harvested in about 3 to 6 months. For countries not highly-developed,the farmers just harvest the rice using a knife, gather and tie them in bundles and leave them in the field for drying. A process called threshing follows where animals walk over the rice to take out its grain. Industrialized countries process rice using machines called combines. It then harvests the rice,remove and then cleans its grain. The grains are then dried in places where high temperatures exist.

    After procesing,removal of the grain's hull follows. This exposes the bran and brown rice is produced. If the bran is taken away,white rice is produced. Brown rice is more nutritious than white rice. Polished rice is produced by processing the kernels through a machine where they are polished finely by brushes.

  4. under water in loess

  5. "Rice can be grown practically anywhere, even on steep hillsides. Although its species are native to South Asia and certain parts of Africa, centuries of trade and exportation have made it commonplace in many cultures."

  6. in a rice field. jeez. look in wikipedia. its in my souces. has everything

  7. In rice paddy plantations.

  8. why?

  9. Rice is a semi-aquatic grass; it grows in a rice "paddy," which is a field that can be flooded.

  10. uuh i dont kno...?!

  11. in rice paddies in stock sorta things and then they have to beat the pods to get the rice out

  12. Very slowly!

  13. I found wild rice growing in the sandy shores of Lake Superior. It looked like grass at first and the seed is smallish.

  14. with love and care

  15. good question

    no answer

  16. on strings

  17. like other plants with sunlight,water, carbon

  18. d**n i never thought of it

  19. on a plant.

  20. rice is a type of plant, it grows like a string bean and each of then plant have about ten rices on this top part

    and It grows from farmers

  21. Wild rice is the tastiest.
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