
How does safety in Australian cities compare to that of British cities?

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Obviously, crime can happen anywhere, but I was just wondering if Australian crime is any lower on average than British crime? As of the past 10 years, British cities, especially London are starting to get bad, with kids (mainly ethnic kids) stabbing and shooting each other regularly, muggings are all too common, even in smaller towns, and don't even think about going out on your own after dark. In the UK you can get beaten up, and in extreme cases murdered for looking at someone the wrong way.

How is Australia in relation to crime per capita? It'd be interesting to hear how any Australians who've lived in the UK found the crime.




  1. You are exaggerating because of what you read in the papers. It is not that bad in the UK, the media just sensationalises everything more than in other countries. If you look at actual statistics you will find Australia has a worse rate of murder and rape than Britain.

  2. I went to Brisbane, and what a difference to here,stayed out late at night with my friend who lives out there, and one thing was you could walk about with the knowledge that it was safe.She has been out there for nearly forty years and would never come back here.She does things, that we would never do here in case we got mugged etc, She lives alone now having lost her husband but I know she can go to bed and never lock a door. By the way she lives on a five acre plot of land, so what does that tell you !!! you could not do that over here. You need about five padlocks on your door.

  3. I live in Brisbane and yes the crime at night in the City and Fortitude Valley is getting worse mainly because of binge drinking. The Police and Government are trying different things to help cut the violence but its not working. I honestly believe we should raise the drinking age to 21 and Clubs should be shut before 6am and fined if they sell alcohol to intoxicated patrons(this is already a law but not enforced)

  4. If what you are saying is true, urban Australia is much safer than urban UK. There are rarely any visible crime issues during the daylight hours, at night there are trouble spots but its still relatively safe to move around.

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