
How does saving water and electricity help to reduce global warming ?

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How does saving water and electricity help to reduce global warming ?




  1. More water consumption, means more hot water consumption. And hot water is produced via electricity or any other means of energy.

    Note: everything that emmits greenhouse gases does cause global warming. and heating water consumes energy..

    energy is produced via electricity -> burning fuels..

  2. Global Warming is false

    I wrote a speech on it and it is available here

  3. It is because fossil fuels like Co2 are used for the electricity.   Water can be converted into energy (Hydel power) so it is good to save electricity and water.

  4. Water saving means avoiding of chemical pollutions in potable water

    saving electricity helps to reduce the load on thermal plants which runs on coal

  5. We all know how the electricity is created.

    the raw material used for it emitte poisonous material which can't be made reversible by our Eco-system & which help to increase the earth temp. by creating layer of it around the earth, which also have effect on Ozon layer which protect earth from UVs ray & Radiation.

    The water which is get evaporated from sea absorb the heat from the surrounding & help to maintain earth temp. the rain also help to control temp. of earth.

    The cutting down of tree increase the percentage of carbon dioxide which also help to inc. earth temp.

    It's like a cycle of chian.

    If one is going nicly. it will have positve effect on another.

  6. It doesn't, is teh simple answer XD - if the world is gonna self destruct, its gonna do anyways whether we want it to or not

  7. I don't know how water conservations helps at all, but saving electricity, assuming it is generated by burning fossil fuels will reduce the amount that needs to be burned.  If it is a nuclear power plant, of course, then its electricity is not generating carbon dioxide, but it still generates a lot of heat, which would seem to warm things up.

  8. A lot of electricity is generated by burning coal. Coal polutes and makes the layer in the air that protects us from the sun weaker and the earths temperatures rise

  9. Well the water you use in the toilet is reused to drink if you did not know that. It is filtered & that's what comes out of your faucet & they need plants to clean that water. So electricity is being used, and electricity uses natural resources & other things that affect the globe which causes global warming. Google any question & they can give you better answers than me, im just blabbing away with common sense.

  10. It is wisely said that "where conservation fails pollution starts"...........

    So whether conserving water or electricity or water or fossil fuel so we should maximize our conservation so that we use our energy respectfully,sensibly,judiciously..........

    When we start conserving water then the ground water is replenished & the water table is maintained which makes our farmers dependent on ground water much less dependent on fuel or electricity operated gen sets to get ground from deep wells.............

    due to our lack of conservation of water we had overstretched the use of ground water level & the water levels are touching a new high every day & the pollution level increasing & making our summers much painful............

    According to one of the survey if we don't start conserving water now itself then India may be water streached country By 2025 v& most of our rivers will turn seasonal.............

    Sop lets staryt conserving water to reduce our dependence on over utilization & hence increasing the use of energy..........

    But it must be evident to u that saving electricity will definitely help in saving the emission of green house gases ............

    I many coiuntries the notorious coal fired power plants contribute unto 90% of the total energy demand hence increasing the green house gas emission..........

    If we all switch to CFL & be alert to our electricity consumption pattern the we can well reduce our electricity consumption by 40% hence helping in reducing greenhouse gas emissions

  11. They might indirectly have some effect. You can read the tips in this website to save the planet.

  12. It doesn't, but it does help your bills at the end of the month.


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