
How does she have a higher starting wage than me? Is this fair? Please read details.?

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So we're both going to be cashiers at the local grocery store, and I just met her today at "orientation". She's 15 and I'm 17. She's going to get paid $10.79/hr and I'm going to get paid $9.04/hr. That's a $1.75 difference! She worked at her dad's coffee shop for like 2 months prior (as a hostess), and I've had no work experience before. However, I've done a lot of tutoring, volunteer work at the local library, and have given flute lessons. In the job application she put down $10.80 as her expected rate of pay, while I put "negotiable". They didn't tell me what I was getting paid until today when I started the job. Do you think I should argue this tomorrow with my boss when we start training? I don't see how it's fair. Yes, she does have some work experience, but I've had two more years in school. Plus, today at orientation I she asked a lot of (stupid, might I add) questions, while I understood everything.




  1. You will find in the working world that sometimes experience ranks higher than schooling. Because of her experience she knew the job she applied for was worth $10.80 per hour and you did not.  Also you should never "argue" with your boss...especially as a new employee. However you may want to "discuss" the situation with her/him.

  2. A similair thing happened to my mother when she worked at SBC AMERITECH(now AT&T) . An employee found out that another employee doing the same job was getting paid more(the employee making more money told the other employee). So the lower paid employee told her union steward and the union steward  filed a greivance against the company and the company had to bring the lower paid employee up the that salary and everyone else doing that job.  I not saying that this will happen in your case. but its worth a shot to tell your union representative(it may be harder since you are not a union member yet there is usually a initiation period before a person is allowed into the union. Managers do not like to be put on the spot by employees about their dealings. She may or may not have done something extra to get that 1.75 .  I am interested to know what was the posted salary(classified ad or company posting in lobby of company) for the position and does it say if salary would be based upon experience? This could play a veery important part inthe decision to pay that employee the 10.79. Dont challenge the boss, wait awhile let your job performance speak for you then ask why you cant have that salary if not more(or try the union rep thingy). GOOD LUCK!!

  3. Ask politely about it, but they might say b/c she's worked longer than you have. That's usually how it goes. She also put what she wanted in the job pay section, i'd do that after researching (ask employees) how much you get so you have a ball park figure. Unless you're in a town where it's hella expensive (CA or NYC) then that's good pay. I made 5.75 my first job

    that's life and from a manager's perspective they'll always save a couple of cents/dollars if they can get away with it (from what i've observed) i had a boss that did that too so it's good you asked your friend. Just be polite and see if you can get a higher pay, if not what's the harm right?

  4. Life isn't always fair.  I would bet that she is going to make more because of her experience.  In a lot of retailers, it doesn't matter how old you are or how long you have been with the company, experience and performance will decide your wage.  If you want the job and are willing to accept the rate you were offered, I wouldn't say anything because it will create unnecessary tension and make you look like a complainer.  Plus, you haven't yet proven yourself for your work ethic and ability.  How is your supervisor to know if you are worth the extra money?  Some employers like to answer questions (even if they might seem stupid) because it shows that you are interested and eager to learn.  Try to think of some good, thoughtful questions about your job to show your enthusiasm at training tomorrow.

  5. kate, You kind of set yourself up for that because you were not specific about what you expected to be paid....If you had not found out how much she was going to be paid would you have been happy about what they offered you?  I have always been told to never discuss your pay because each person fills out their own application and whatever they put on the app. is all that the employer has to go on....Experience counts a little but she ask for her amount.  If you decide to argue this fact to your boss, what is that going to make him think of you? Will that give him a good impression or a bad impression?  You can't hold something like that against this girl or your new employer....the only thing you can do now is be the best employee that man could ask for....Ask him tomorrow if you have done well after your 90 day period if he would consider giving you a raise...?   Also...have you already accepted the job and conditions?  if not, you could ask him if he would consider giving you ____ per hour...with the cost of gas and other expenses would that be a problem? (you did put negotiable)  These were my opinions about your question...I hope you enjoy your new job and have a wonderful experience....Good luck...HH

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