
How does smoking affect your chances of conceiving a child?

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How does smoking affect your chances of conceiving a child?




  1. If we're talking about a woman.  There's these tiny hairs in the fallopian tubes that help "wave" the fertilized egg through the tubes.  When you smoke, it reduces how well these little hairs work.

    If you're wanting to conceive, try to stop as soon as possible.  I did smoke both times I've gotten pregnant, BUT I stopped as soon as I found out that I was pregnant.

    It's hard to stop, but do it.

  2. I believe it can affect your chances by about 20% each month. I know tons of people who smoked and had no problem but it is best to go ahead and quit now so it won;t be so rough on you when you do get pregnant. I am working on it myself and it's not easy. They also say that if you smoke mnore than 16 cigs a day that thats when it really starts affecting you, less than that and it doesn't do much harm at all. Good luck with you!

  3. I know sooo many women that have had healthy children whilst smoking and had no issues conceiving at all.

    and the strangest thing, I was one of them (less then 15 a day though), my hubby and I both smoked when we conceived our 2 girls (seperately and 2½yrs apart), and didn't have a problem in conceiving them.

    But both quitting a year ago one would think it would help, and yet we still haven't conceived and now on our 4th actual TTC cycle (technically 5th month) but we weren't exactly using protection for nearly this whole past year, so yeah I don't know, I don't think it makes a difference, all I know is from my own expereince and that when we both smoked it was easier to conceive - go figure, should be the other way around but hasn't been for us so far.

  4. I know that for a man, it can reduce sperm count.

  5. It is just not a healthy body to grow a baby in.  I see pregnant women all the time, smoking.  I am sure it is not good for fertility, but it doesn't generally prevent pregnancy.  But do the smart thing, quit, build your body to be the healthiest it can be.  They you and your baby do not have to smoke.

  6. If you are a smoker, you probably should either:

    A. Quit smoking NOW.

    B. Not become a mother. Smoking, the nicotone in your body, the smoke on your clothes and in your home are extremely horrible for the baby. They baby may suffer future cancers due to the carcinogens in your body that you pass along to him/her.

    Read this:

  7. Here's a great website that will give you lots of helpful info on that topic:

  8. well when the smoke from the ciggarette gets into your stomach when ur pregnant it makes the baby hard to breathe and when its hard to breathe it may past away or will turn mental when its born

  9. I know plenty of smokers who have children fine. Even when both parents smoke.

    I haven't heard anything to say smoking affects chances, but i'm sure somehow it does. Apprently smoking affects everything in someway shape or form.

    I'd be more worried about alcohol than smoking. (in saying that i dont suggest smoking while pregnant)

  10. it reduces blood flow to your uterus, and it reduces the thickness of the uterine lining, therefor it can reduce the chance of successful implantation. If you can quit altogether or atleast cut down to 10 a day or less

  11. It didn't for me. I have 3 beautiful children to show for it.

  12. Dont do it...if you're having troubles then you need all the help you can get and you wont get it if ya faggin....Good luck.

  13. If you smoke during your pregnancy your child could be born addicted to nicotine. (Imagine an adult going into withdrawl, a baby would be hysterical 24/7)

    Could you go nine months without a cigarette? Not likely, so you should quit before even trying to conceive.

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