
How does sociobiology explain behavorial differences between men and women?

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What are some problems with this perspective, and how does a sociological perspective help resolve some of these problems?




  1. Sociobiologists say that men and women have differend investments in production. That women who have a womb and are the natural caretakers of children, as the natural caretakers they want to consoldate a partner and a better care environment  for their offspring; this is conseqeuntly why women have become wives and stay at home. Whereas men have no particular investment as nurturers and cares since they dont have wombs, they want as much partners as possible to spread their genome. They are thus more competitive for status and political positions in order to further their attempts to reprduce.

    The problem with these thoeries is that they draw on an ancient past which we have little data about and build thoery upon this. Added to this they can explain gender relations in modern society to an extent but their is a lot of behaviuor they can explain like feminism and they fact that the evidence shows the opposite; that there are smaller differences in competitiveness in men and women and the in terms of social-pyschology men are more similar than different.

    Sociology rectifies the problems of social behaviour by allowing us to control for other aspects which influence peoples behaviour like where they work, how much they are payed, what was there upbringing like etc.

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