
How does sociology approch or view social phenomenas differently from the religion.?

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sociologically with concret arguments




  1. Sociology views social phenomenon in a scientific manner - Explaining phenomenon with cause and effect relationships.

    While all of religion is based in faith - it is because God or the gods want it that way.

    The philosophers of the Enlightenment began to question religion and looked for explanations beyond acceptance. Thanks to them we have medicine, electronics, long distance communication, and a better educated populous.

  2. Marx said that religion was the opiate of the masses - It does seem that way  that we are lulled by gods' wills.

    Sociology takes an overview of social phenomena and keeps a subject under debate so that all avenues are thoroughly explored.

    Jesus was reputed to have said 'the poor are always with us'

    Sociology would find ways to look at the reasons why this might be so and how humanity might effect social change.

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