
How does someone get degenerative bone disease and are you able to work again?

by  |  earlier

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How do you get degenerative bone disease, and does it heal? Both of my feet are broke and I have several broken spinal processes.




  1.       You don't give much in the form of an explanation. I have osteo-arthritis in the severe degenerative stages along with severe degenerative neurological diseases. This means I have a severe bone disease. I have had twelve surgeries in six years, fifteen in fifteen years. I have eight cadaver bones in my spine, two "cages" 32 wires and 32 screws eight of my own bones wired in. I don't know what else but, it all falling apart now. I live on Vicodin, Neurontin, Ibuprofen a bunch of other c**p.

          I live in severe pain all day and, night. I keep busy all day and at night, like my sister with the same problems, I pill down to get out of the pain and, relax. I don't care what you or anyone says about being addicted, you don't have to live in my crippled body that cannot be helped any longer.

          They're now looking at replacing my rotting hips, my cage, holding my four lower vertebrae and replacement disc has degenerated and is now falling apart, my legs are getting numb if I'm on them for more then a few hours, they're in pain. I cry a lot. By the way I am seventy years old, a retired carpenter.

           I have a spinal stimulator that I turn way up to no avail. I have had shoulder sugery also.

          This type of bone disease does not heal. I don't no how old you are, let me know. Apply for social security right now. Ask your doctor for some type of physical therpy in the form of swimming, I was told this was good. It's beyond me but, if you just stared maybe there's help for you.

           I will say, Gods speed and good luck.

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