
How does someone get expert answerer in paranormal?

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easy you get all your buddies to come and vote for you on undecided questions. Looking at PDs Q&A, he get chosen about one in 20 answers, the rest are voted on by the buddy system. You go guy, especially for someone who doesnt know the first thing about anything paranormal. What do you guys think?Hail to the voting king? LOL




  1. i don't know.. i dont vote for pd coz we have totally different views on things.. he is a skeptic of the paranormal.. i am a total beleiver... i dont like the way he kinda tells ppl that they r mad or stuff like that for beleiving in the paranormal.. in fact, i just gave him a thumbs down on his answer to my question. however.. i think it may be wrong of you to lash out at him and bluntly accuse him..

    i am not taking sides.

  2. Actually, earlier tonight I emailed PD about some voting weirdness I've been seen going on to get his opinion. Today my answer to the question on dogs' supernatural senses got 33 votes, for no apparent reason. That is totally out of the norm for my answers, which is more like 1 to 5 votes for as long as I've been here. I've seen this only sporadically before, and I don't get it. PD is equally befuddled. Before I feed any conspiracy suspicions, I've seen a couple believers receive these kind of voting numbers too recently as well. I don't have an explanation. Maybe its supernatural?  :)

    I think the "buddy system" describes how almost everybody votes here on Yaho. It's just psychology -- you vote for the answers most like yours, you become chummy with the ones who think/answer most like you. Especially in a polemic environment like Sci & Math > Alternative.

    EDIT: BTW, yesterday someone searched through the resolved questions to find one of my "best answers" from over a month ago and reported it as solicitation (e.g., spamming or advertising). Of course it was nothing of the sort and the violation was overturned, but geez, there is some bitterness in here.

    EDIT: Nuff, you're right, these insane number of votes are more than the buddy system. You're throwing out accusations left and right, but I have no idea who voted 33 times for my dog senses answer, whether you chose to believe me or not. And you shouldn't forget that at least two staunch paranormal believers here are/were racking up big numbers too. I don't want to single anyone out here, so email me if you want to know who. So what explains their votes? Like I said, I've noticed this strangeness with voting too and I've called it to the attention of some others as well. I suspect that outside web sites, e.g., skeptic forums and believer forums, have jumped on the bandwagon after noticing the little battles that seem to go on in here. That's just an idea, can't confirm it.

  3. Yes, it seems he is a very good voter, an excellent voter in fact! LOL

    EDIT:  Well, who has an axe to grind with Paranormal?  It seems to be across the board!

    EDIT:  Initials aren't needed to identify someones answers at voting time!

    EDIT:  How do we know there isn't some system glitch or something wrong at Yahoo that might be accounting for these unbelievable votes?  Does anybody know for a fact that it's not?

  4. I would be the first to admit to being an attention hound, but I've not been here that long. If you have good answers and can gather support, then you should be at the top. It's silly to argue about being the best, but that's just human nature. My answer sounds defeatest at best, but for you guys who have been here a while maybe it is all about the greed and fame.

    Just my two cents.

  5. LOL you noticed to Nuff, i noticed it last week,  "the voting king"... and i dont go around reporting people either...

    what i noticed a few weeks ago, which made me catch on to everything else... there were no more questions left that i wanted to i cruised through answers to be voted, (first time) and i came across a question that i had answered which was 1 week old, i recognised my answer, so i just clicked on told me i had 100% , in the next couple of days when it didnt come through, i went looking for it... and well guess who had it, after it said i had 100 %....thats what got me suspious, so i went in further, and it seemed that one person had all the voted answers........

  6. Don't look at ME !!! I RARELY go to Resolved Questions .. and I RARELY go to the ones we can vote on...and I NEVER NEVER report anyone...although I came close last night (none of you..a new person) I didn't but was pretty sure someone else would..because of what he was doing.

    Peter D. knows I RARELY vote for him ...because he's so far off from what I believe. But, if he gives a reasonable , scientific answer...I WILL vote for the answer.

    I usually get a few BAs from Voters...I'm always kinda disappointed because they don't mean as much to me as getting them from the Asker. I don't think I would be able to remember who answered  what anyway. And I NEVER noticed pd putting his initials over there.

       Sometimes lately I've given thumbs down on some things..because they were necessary. I wish we wouldn't fuss on here. I enjoy being on here a lot. Don't know where I would go. Guess I talk too much and will get into trouble for it. Just seems like we need to talk to understand things and need to joke around to keep us from getting depressed about some of the things we talk about.  If they kick me off..guess I'll just have to learn how to play Runescape.

    Just because Peter got Top Answerer doesn't mean he is an Expert Answerer...It just means he's "attentive" to this section and to us.

    I miss you, nuff!!!.. I also miss John S.(PS..John S...U "doppleganger"! lol)

    EDIT..To" me."..if you really really don't like somebody or their answers..just thumbs down them & don't even read what they have to say...that way they "disappear". I would think that since this is named the "Paranormal Section" would be up to the non-believers to prove paranormal DOESN'T  exist..rather than the paranormal believers to have to try to prove it DOES exist. That's why it's called the PARANORMAL section...kind of a "Safe Haven" for us.

    Edit..Where'd "me" go???

    EDIT.."Bronx"...Yeah's all about "greed & fame"..LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Thanks for that laugh! I look forward to hilarious things like this!! Can't stop laughing!!(not being really IS  funny!!)

    EDIT..Listen ya'll...I think you've misunderstood the voting thing. I believe..that when it says means 33 % not 33 people etc.  One person voting is 100% .(of the total votes),.if 2 people vote it's  50 % ..3 is 33% etc etc.....I KNOW ya'll know're in the Science & MATH category! So this is for anyone else who doesn't understand. Maybe I'm wrong...Anybody  from Math know about this?

    EDIT..Sorry I can't shut up!! Did you ever think that maybe it's trolls doing this thumbs down and cause trouble or to "obey the law"..(not the "law of love"..the police patrol law.)?? If it doesn't say (as I asked in my question) then nobody knows WHO is doing it. It happens in other sections too.

  7. On the bright side, that's one thing nobody can accuse me of.I can prove it too.However,there is someone going back looking for violations for chatting and other things in a selective hunt..Now there's a conspiracy! I'm not going to accuse anyone.It wouldn't be fair.

    Edit.Guys at the next meeting,I'm going insist on something.I want some best answers too.

  8. Are you referring to me nuff?  If so, do you really think it's appropriate to single out individuals in questions like this?  I have never personally attacked you so I don't understand why you would lash out like this.  It's very uncivil.

    If the number of best answers I have received is above what you consider to be an acceptable number I apologize.  I can assure you I have no such "buddy system" in place.  I know a few people on here but we don't coordinate any voting regimen, so I promise there is no conspiracy.

    Are you jealous of my status?  I take no pride in the distinction.  Were it possible I would give it to you in the effort to mend what are obviously hurt feelings.

    EDIT: TR--I too have been given violation notice twice recently for very old answers I gave.  Could it be that Y!A is backed up, or is this a grass-roots conspiracy perpetrated by someone with sand in their underpants?

    EDIT: There are two ways of receiving Best Answer--to be selected by the person who asked or to be voted such by Y!A users.  If I received the most best answers either way then that means my status *was* earned.

    P.S. So you've been inspecting a lot of my past answers recently, huh?  What a coincidence.  Some of my past aswers were reported as violations recently.

  9. I have always noticed that he puts his initials under the source heading so that his answer is always identifiable to his "buddies" when they vote.

  10. the voting scam is across the board... I have gone back to view some questions that I had answered and one member answered the same question and gave everyone else a thumbs down..... makes a person wonder why they are trying to help out... but that is why I keep answering questions. I don't really care if I have a best answer or not.... just willing to pass on any knowledge I have

  11. Nuff, don't worry too much about all that c**p.  Yahoo Answers is made of people from the real world, so most of them aren't so bright.  They get all emotional and vote for people who tell them what they already think.  Few people are secure enough in their own mental strengths to value and seek out those who can poke holes in their theories, but I think that's Yahoo Answers's greatest strength.  I posted a really controversial question two days ago.  In one minute, there was a reply which made me think.  I spent the whole day researching the 7 points made by that member, and the time was very well spent!  Maybe no one valued my question -- it was deleted from Yahoo Answers by closed-minded people who don't value free speech -- but my perspective is now more refined due to bouncing the idea off others in order to find holes in the theory.

    In my opinion, Yahoo Answers shouldn't be about trying to get to the top.  There are those who can recognize and those who are afraid to!  I recognize, so keep asking your questions!  Just don't expect to get to the top.  I tried it once in a gaming forum, and it was similarly rigged.  Who cares?  It was a game, right?  Yahoo Answers isn't about a popularity contest.  It should be about bouncing ideas off others, gathering ideas, and refining one's perspective with feedback we otherwise wouldn't have come across.

    I do enjoy monitoring your questions.  I don't have time to reply to them all, but I do enjoy them.  I hope you'll keep it up without worrying about the rank.

    Billy Bo Bob

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