
How does someone get into motocross?

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I am interested in motocross...but I know of no one that does it. How does someone learn the sport and get into it?




  1. Usually the motorcycle shops have information, flyer's of local events around your area.  you might to look in the phone book and call around...ask if they know where or how you can you get  any information motor cross events''''good luck

  2. I have been riding for over 10 years. I started riding with me dad as a little girl, then when I was around 15 I took some motorcycle classes and had practice with them. When I got older I went with my friends and family to riding ranges and practiced. Went to DGY (Downers Grove Yahama) in my hometown and bought the gear and began to ride. Just practice and consider taking classes to perfect your riding. Good that you are interested...we need more girls in this sport!

  3. I ride so I would have to say that you need to go to some schools and then get a bike and go to some open track days

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