
How does someone politely decline a sandwich made by a man with no arms?

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How does someone politely decline a sandwich made by a man with no arms?




  1. To be fair I probably wouldn't - I'd say i wasn't hungry right now, but I'd take the sandwich, thank him very much and then not eat it if I was grossed out.  It might be fine, but to each his own :)

  2. say no thank you

  3. "no thanks"

  4. He used his mouth/feet to make the sandwich.

  5. No thanks, I'm very full.

  6. Did he use his mouth or his feet to make it?

  7. you don't *** hat you take the d**n sandwich he has no arms and he made you a sandwich how inconsiderate can you be!!!

  8. wave it off.

  9. What?!?  lol

    say you're not hungry.  Or that your on a diet... or that you have a stomach ache... or that you have big dinner plans soon....

  10. The same way you politely refuse a sandwich made by a person with two arms....

  11. What DID you say? What did he use to make it? And yeah, you should probably just accept it, someone with no arms had to go through a h**l of a lot to make a sandwich...How would you feel if you went through all that trouble and then that person didn't want the sandwich you made with so much effort?

    Think about it.

  12. not hungry you dont eat something thats on the sandwich

  13. jist say "im on a diet only food made by ppl with 4 limbs"

  14. Just as you would anyone else. Politely say, "No, thank you." :)

  15. "i'm not hungry" "oh i just ate"

    those are always good. . and don't forget to say "but thank you' and smile :)

  16. well i am assuming he would have made it with his feet, which he probably/hopefully would have washed  them just like you would wash your hands before preparing a dish. So in that case it would be no dirtier then if he were to make it with his hands.

    If you know he didn't wash them. Then I would say I am actually not in the mood for a sandwich and think I'll just open this can of soup.. (Something that people with no hands can't open)

    goooooooood luck

  17. hahaha, I actually lol'd

  18. I wouldn't decline it at all. I would just assume/presume that he used safe food preparation protocol and washed his feet before he made the sandwich.

  19. Ask Ernest Hemingway.

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