
How does sound come out of our mouths? How do we make different pitches and tones?

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I know it has something to do with vibrations and the voice box, but how do the vibrations sound so perfect when we talk? It doesn't even sound like our voice vibrates when we talk, so how does that happen?




  1. our volcalcords

    in our thruoght.

  2. The larynx in our throat vibrates at different vibrations per second to make sound.  The more vibrations per second, the higher the pitch.

  3. All sound is made from vibrations.

    The reason it doesn't 'sound' like vibrations, is because these vibrations are happening anywhere between 20 - 20,000 times a second (which is the range of human hearing)

    If you look at a subwoofer, you'll notice it vibrates back and forth very rapidly, and as the pitch rises it vibrates faster. The higher end of the pitch (s sounds) vibrate around 8,000 - 14,000 times a second, there's no way you can see that... or feel it.

    Hold you hand to your throat (or any adult male) next time you talk, you do feel vibrations...

  4. The sound comes from the vibrations in your larynx. The differing tones are created by a combination of using our sets of vocal chords (glottis and epiglottis) and our mouth/tongue teeth and lips.

    The mouth does *most* of the work involved in discernable speech, but of course the voicebox is still essential to create varying pitches. Our speech sounds perfect because we learn how to use our mouths from our parents and graduate from baby talk.

  5. Sound is caused by vibrations of the vocal cords. Muscles on either end tighten or loosten them to make a higher or lower pitch. They sound so perfect because the brain is trained over your lifetime to remember how tight to pull your vocal chords to make a certain pitch.

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