
How does sulfamethorax affect you?

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the pills, sulfamethorax. What are the side effects




  1. I think you might have typed in incorrectly.... cannot find a drug by that name (chemil derivative, name brand, or generic).

  2. Could you mean sulfamethoxide? That is an antibiotic of the sulfonimide class. It is also called septra. Unless you have a bad reaction to it it doesn't do anything to you. It, hopefully does what an antibiotic is meant to do, kill bacteria.

    Sorry, I didn't see the part where you asked about side effects.

    You could experience nausea/vomiting, rash, dizziness,

    There are really a LOT of possible adverse reactions. If you start to have any bad effects after taking this, or any drug, call your Dr. and ask if you need to stop taking it or just put up with the effects,

    And, of course, if you experience any difficulty breathing or feel as if your throat is closing seek emergency help at once, this can be life-threatening!

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