
How does teaching coincide with program evaluation?

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How does program evaluation influence and inspire your views on teaching?




  1. It doesn't.

    Program evaluation is WHAT you are teaching, not HOW you are teaching. The program says you must teach "this" or "that" in order to fulfill requirements that the district, state, etc. want you to fulfill.

    How you teach it is up to you.

    Does it influence? Somewhat. Does it inspire my views on teaching? No.

    I know what I have to teach. I know how to teach. My kids are successful (well, most of them anyway).

    If my kids leave my class feeling better about what they know and how to live their lives better, I feel that I have accomplished my goals.

    A Program evaluation does not make me the teacher that I am.

    Not sure if this will help you but that is my personal outlook on programs and teaching views. I teach what I know and I pass my knowledge and skills onto the next generation.

    And so should you.

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