
How does television contribute to global warming?

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i.e, pollution, greenhouse gases. and if you know any website were i can get info, ty




  1. Firstly it spreads the panic of Global warming, and is extremely biased in its misinformation it tells people.

    For the Carbon Footprint of a TV you have to look at lots of different areas. The making of the raw materials, the construction of the parts, the manufacture of the TV, the transport of the TV to the shop floor, the running of the shop floor to sell the TV, the packaging of the TV, the transport of the TV to your house, the production of the electricity to run the TV.

    The pollution of a TV is again how far do you want to go. The TV whilst running will admit heat energy, light energy and low level radiation. The disposal of the TV is a wide area depending on how you wish to do it. And the manufacture of the TV again depends of the type of TV and where and how it was manufactured.

  2. The construction of TV's uses energy, and the use of a TV uses energy.  This energy is electricity and is normally generated through power plants that burn fossil fuels which release carbon  dioxide into the air.  Carbon dioxide holds in radiation which leads to global warming.

    Carbon monoxide mentioned above has nothing to do with it, and is really only emitted in any quantity if the power plant is running incorrectly, i.e. not enough air to the boiler so combustion is incomplete.

  3. basically, the way in which it contributes to global warming is how the electricity for the tv is made.

    Fossil fuels are burnt to produce heat, which evaporates water into steam which in turn turs a generator to create electricity.

    when these fossil fuels are burnt, they let off carbon monoxide (poisonous, also cause of acid rain) and carbon dioxide - pollution.

  4. It contributes greatly to the pollution of the mind....the worst pollution of all.

  5. Touch the back side of the cabinet in a TV or monitor, u will find heat  in ur house my house and all the house put  together.

  6. The television uses electricity!  This contributes to the burnign of fossil fuels.......

  7. It contributes through the electricity your TV uses.  So the more you watch reality TV....

    Go to your local electricity provider's web site (on any electrical company site) to find out how many kw hrs at TV uses with "normal" use.

  8. Large percentage of electricity that our tv,and other devices, uses all over the world comes from coal power plants that release carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide[a gas that is believed to be among the gases that cause global warming such as water vapor] and sulfur dioxide[which causes acid rain] by burning coal to turn water into steam that turns the generators that create electricity.Allegedly television reduces the ability to memorize information.Television itself does not contribute to global warming,at least not significantly.The power plants that power the device and the tv comercials that advise people to buy internal combustion cars to create more polution do however cause a release of large amounts of greenhouse gasses.That combined with the stupidity of the majority of the human population equals disruption of planetary balance.

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