
How does the Democratic party feel about immigration reform?

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How does the Democratic party feel about immigration reform?




  1. reforms always come when it happened already... they have  a basis to upgrade what they have  implemeted but with no pretension or no hiding agenda... let somebody do it without political color in their coats... every problem have an exact solutions...

  2. As an independent who will vote democrat if it comes down to it,  I feel that legal immigration is okay but we need to control our borders now. One more thing, I want to see America give more visas to poor people from developing countries. Right now the people who come here by visas are mostly rich people from developing countries. These rich people are the same people who are keeping the people in their own countries down and putting controls against Americans living in their countries. If America is only going to give visas the haves then take that bull of the Statue of Libery about "Bring us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses."

    It's easier for the sons and daughters of corrupt dictators to come here than honest people. The US needs to stop allowing the rich and their family members who oppress to come to the US.

    Anyways, I think right now all the politicians will say pro immigrant things but after the election we should see some action from both parties.

  3. Democrats want to let everybody in and make them all citizens as soon as possible so they can vote, because most immigrants vote democrat.

  4. Pretty much the same way the republican party feels. They want Immigration legalized but for different reasons. They Dem's want the votes, the Con's, want the cheep labor.

    Now their constituents both feel the same way. Stop the flow of illegals crossing the borders, then and only then can we talk about a legalization option.

  5. You mean the peoples Communists Democratic socialist party.Oh those people as long as it helps bring down this country its real swell, I tink, I tink I saw one of thems ?

  6. There is no set opinion.  Politicians join partys based on who is in power in there state.  John Kerry would be a Republican if Massachusetts was controlled by republicans

  7. They view illegals as potential voters, nothing more nothing less

  8. Check the most recent public opinion poll.  That will determine their position for next week.

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