
How does the EPA and the Department of Energy divide their duties?

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How does the EPA and the Department of Energy divide their duties?




  1. If you look at the entire energy process, unless some form of chemical in the form of fuel or byproducts is release to the environment, DOE is in charge.  Any releases fall under EPA.

  2. There's very little overlap.  Here are the main ones.

    EPA regulates most electric power plants, because they can create a lot of pollution.   And they regulate cars' gas mileage, because it's easier to determine that when measuring cars' pollution.

    DOE regulates nuclear power plants, because they have a lot of nuclear scientists (they make nuclear weapons).

    All this is determined by laws written by Congress.

  3. One is a Dept. of do nothings, the other is a Dept. of get nothing done, but I'm sure that solitaire is king.

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