
How does the Earth produces oil?

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and how long does it take? i always think that we take so much out a day that the earth may fall in or something.

i was just wondering .




  1. good question!

    look up 'benthic theory' on wikipedia, it has a good explanation

    no, it won't fall in because the earth is solid, but what comes out causes a LOT of damage

  2. Most geologists believe oil comes from dead plants and animals being pressurized in the ground over millions of years... hence the term "fossil fuel".  The oil then tends to pool in between different strata of rock in the ground, which is extremely convenient as it can then be pumped out in one place.  As for the chance of the land sinking in, keep in mind that oil wells go very deep in the ground, through many layers of rock.

    I'll mention that a few geologists believe that oil doesn't come from dead organic matter but instead was formed deep in the Earth when the planet was first formed, and bubbles up over time.  However, most disregard this "abiogenic" theory.

  3. Oil came from the dead Dinosaur carcases.

  4. Oil was believed to be have formed from organisms that were dead a long time ago.

  5. The oil is what is called a fossil fuel.  It comes from the effect of heat and pressure over a long time on the remains of organisms that lived in shallow seas tens of millions of years ago. Look up Oil (sub-heading mineral oil) in Wikipedia.

    Pumping out oil might cause local caving in, but probably not even that, as it is trapped in between the grains of rocks like sandstone, and after you have removed the oil the rock is still there.

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