
How does the New Democrat stack up aganist the old time Democrat.?

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I don't think very well. Matter of fact, not even close. But maybe the

new age socialist or wanna be marxist could point out the differences.




  1. I have been a Dem my whole life, but I don't recognize my party anymore.  This is not the Clinton Democratic party, that's probably why Hillary lost.  I will not vote Dem again until they go back to what made them great.  I will not be holding my breath!!!

  2. It's like the libertarians are to the democrats of today .

  3. In the end, it doesn't really matter.  Americans throw out the term Socialists and Marxists, but neither party is politically that far to the left or to the right on the political spectrum.  If you look at real politics and not just listen to smear campaigns, you'd know that Republicans and Democrats are a mere inches apart on the political spectrum.

    Look at France's political parties.  Now they actually have big differences...

    Disclaimer: I know Wiki isn't a foolproof source, but the info that they have on this seems fairly accurate.

    Before you say left or right wing again, please understand the true nature of things.

  4. Good question- long ago, liberals actually had a cause, before all the civil rights laws were changed, there were horrific racial injustices. Before civil rights laws were corrected, labor laws were changed to prevent children from being exploited, to work when they should be in school.

    So, when all the laws were changed, many years ago, why is there still a need for this liberal activist political party. All the laws have been changed and there is no longer a cause; even the women lib cause has dried up, its only agenda now is "abortion on demand".

    The old democrat had a noble cause and was not anti-American. There was a genuine purpose behind them, the JFK democrats were patriotic and put their country first, in front of their party's needs.

    Today's democrat has no cause, today's democrats have been infiltrated by communists and socialists; although they no longer have a cause, the socialist influence has targeted the downfall of capitalism as their new cause.

    Today's democrat are not loyal to the USA, they prefer the U.N.  Undermining our way of life is their goal, to wage war against business, corporations and capitalism. Today's democrats will side with any enemy of the USA or advocate for socialism or communism.      

  5. BHO is no FDR,HST,JFK

    McCain For President

  6. Old democrats stood for great values.  They were open about women, minorities, and advocated responsible decisions and at the same time holding a high and respectable head rather than playing unnecessarily dirty just because somebody else threatened them.  

    New democrats have been so sexist this year, I can't even believe it.  I was supporting Barack obama until 3 weeks ago.  I was already angry at how the dems treated Hillary but I sucked it up.  Now, looking at the way they're treating Sarah Palin, I just can't understand how this still exists in America.  Aren't we supposed to be beyond sexism.  What is going on???  And all this coming from democrats as opposed to republicans.  I'm so aghast.  Obama lost my support after his party began belittling women AGAIN this year.  I don't know who to go to, I might just bite my tongue and vote McCain.  

  7. Ya Ya Ya Hope and Change that tireless never ending same ole message of hope and change empty meaningless rhetoric designed to excite the masses and to appeal to their dreams. But thats the problem with empty rhetoric its just a dream it has no substance nothing of real substance and value.  Like Obama said its just words just words and for once Obama is right they are "just words" that are starting to fall on deaf ears.  You and your message are in big trouble Mr Obama next time bring some real substance to the table not just "words" its a much better strategy.

  8. The Democratic party once tried hard to stick with the issues and it got us no where. Now we get on the right side of the issues and Fight.

  9. They have the same liberal spirit of daring and progress.

    JFK said:

    "And the only basic issue in the 1960 campaign is whether our government WILL FALL IN A CONSERVATIVE RUT AND DIE THERE [emphasis added], or whether we will move ahead in the liberal spirit of daring, of breaking new ground, of doing in our generation what Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman and Adlai Stevenson did in their time of influence and responsibility."

    Those words are still true today.  We need to do something in our generation that equals the progressive actions of the Democrats of the past but we seem to be stuck battling the effects of conservative, reactionary propaganda.

  10. I don't know what happened, but I think the old time democratic part has disappeared. McCain is more democratic than Obama.

  11. Use to be a Demo, use to be proud of being a Demo, use to be.... until they started with the weird, socialist, communist positions, then it got to be embarrassing to be one, so had to switch to Libertarian.  

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