
How does the Queen choose the knights?

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I mean, what are the criteria for someone to be chosen to get knighted? It seems rather random that someone like Mick Jagger gets knighted. What did he ever do for the sake of the community? Is doing good to the community actually a criteria to get knighted?




  1. All the political parties get to nominate people for honours, as do certain specialist committees.

    Also, there has recently been created a committee to consider nominations from the general public.

    All nominations then go before another committee, then are vetted by the PM and Queen before being accepted.

    Sir Mick would have been nominated by the "Arts and Media" sub-committee, for having been a leading figure in the British arts scene for 30-odd years.

    Personally, however, I feel he should have been barred from receiving an honour, as should anyone who avoids paying UK tax.

  2. Only people with lots of money ever get knighted. So much for a classless society.

  3. To be knighted requires that a person be the best at what they do,whether it be entertaining,architecture,



    Here are the requirements:

    "Anybody in the UK can make a recommendation for a British national to receive an honour.

    The aim is to ensure that the large numbers of people not in the public eye who give valuable service are recognised.

    They could be charity volunteers, members of the emergency services or Armed Forces, industrial pioneers or specialists in various professions.

    While The Queen is 'fountain of honour' in the United Kingdom, honours are actually awarded on the advice of the Cabinet Office.

    For this reason, honours nominations are handled not by Buckingham Palace but by the Ceremonial Secretariat, part of the Cabinet Office.

    In order to nominate someone, you should

    obtain a copy of the nominations form and read the guidance notes.

    These can be downloaded and printed off from the Honours website of the Cabinet Office, or obtained through writing, telephoning or emailing the Cabinet Office for paper copies.

    You can contact the Cabinet Office Ceremonial Secretariat at:

    Ceremonial Secretariat

    Cabinet Office

    35 Great Smith Street

    London SW1P 3BQ.

    Tel: 0207 276 2777 "

    Read more about the system and download a nomination form from

    And from that link:

    "Recognising exceptional achievement or service

    The UK Honours System

    Honours lists are published twice a year at New Year and in mid-June on the date of The Queen's official birthday. Anyone can receive an award if they reach the required standard of merit or service, and honours list contain a wide variety of people from different backgrounds. "

  4. The Prime Minister's party draws up an "Honors List" for the Queen. It's supposed to be based on service to the nation or other outstanding accomplishments, to people who head up major organizations and some who contribute to the PM's political party.

  5. You could argue that Mick Jagger has brought £millions into the UK economy, in record sales and concert revenue.

    The whole knighthood thing is connected to money.  If you make a lot of money or inherit a lot of money, you have a much better chance than if you are a bus driver.

  6. Most of them are chosen by the leaders of the political party that happens to be in power.

    They get a knighthood for doing things that are favourable to the government like giving a lot of money to the party or backing unpopular policies. A few sportmen and actors also get them .

  7. The Queen does not choose anyone to be knighted or to receive honours.  The choice is made by politicians and so high profile people tend to get the honours, together with ex-politicians and civil servants who have done nothing except work in a department for 25 years.

    The whole system is a farce and it should revert to when the monarch really chose the knights.  it would be more interesting than the dross we have at the moment.

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