
How does the Royal bank of scotland deal with late payments?

by  |  earlier

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for loans etc. Do they take the payment as soon as the money goes into the bank or on the next due date, and do they charge straight away or a few days later. Need info asap. Thanks.




  1. most probably take cash right away and make you overdrawn then add charges at end of month but could be high this is mainly guess work based on my own bank which is a different bank to yours

  2. They write and inform you of the situation right away, then take the arrears when the money is available in the account.   - if the payment is to an RBS loan then they will inform you and take the money within a few days of the money showing on your account as the letter asks you to sort something out about the payments missed - if still no money then they get legal.

  3. They take the payment when its due, and if theres not enough money in the account they pay it for u, they'll then inform u ur overdrawn and send u a letter tellin u ur getting bank charges for being overdrawn and another charge for them having to pay the money for u, usually these charges will come out at the end of the month.

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