
How does the Suspended water fountain trick work?

by Guest31885  |  earlier

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As a kid at the county fair long time ago I saw a booth and had a Water fountain (big one) that was not suppored by anything it was- suspended in mid air -or at least looked that way and had no visible delivery mechanish for the water. Its been killing me, how did they get the water up there when you could pass your hand over the top of it and also under it and also around it. I have seen a lot of other ones but all them were like super easy to figure out and all had like a clear plastic pipe going up the water fall, this one you could put your hand through the water and all around it. Anyone have any idea how they did it.




  1. there is a clear pipe running up the middle of the water coming down thats what holds the tap up

  2. Water is running glass tube.

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