
How does the Theory of Global Warming become the Law of Global Warming?

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How does the Theory of Global Warming become the Law of Global Warming?




  1. The first amendment of AGW religion is; say its our fault, never discuss the science and don't answer any questions.

    How did this become a law? Al Gore said so.

  2. right after he invented the internet, Al Gore was working OVERTIME on getting this one passed...

  3. Getting some conclusive data would be a start.  But thus far that simply hasn't happened.  In fact the credible data seems to show the exact opposite..

  4. Because they figured out that the theory was real, and real effects were happening and they saw Al Gores video and got scared and after that they decided to do something about it.

  5. its a lie started by that nut al gore

  6. Hey Captain I've been asking the same question for a long time.

    I have no problem with theories, in fact I enjoy being able to discuss many different theories with intelligent people.

    Theories over the ages have lead to our advancements in science.

    Galileo, through scientific observation, theorized that the Earth was not the center of the universe.

    Christopher Columbus theorized that the Earth was not flat but more likely to be round.

    When Charles Darwin proposed his 'Theory of Evolution' he was put on trial for his statements!

    We now know that the Earth is not only NOT the center of the universe, but that it is just a small planet orbiting a star on the outskirts of a rather small galaxy.

    We also know now that the earth is round and not flat because these have been proven.

    I suspect that the theory of evolution will always remain a theory because although it makes sense,(to me at least) I can't see that it could ever be proven.

    I'm afraid that in today's culture, that there are far too many people who are far too lazy, to learn or even try to understand basic science, and so gullible that they believe it because they saw it on TV!

    Also there are far too many arrogant, and stupid people out there who call themselves experts who will exploit this fact  for their own greedy purposes.

    If people could just be interested in learning proper science

    (which I happen to find interesting) they would realize how mis-guided they really are.

  7. The liberal Creed is that is you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

  8. If you're speaking of the science, as in "Law of Gravity" (meaning proven), the answer is NEVER.   Science hasn't applied those kinds of tests for a century or more.

  9. It can't. Scientific theories don't become scientific laws. Ever. A theory is a tentative explanation for how some part of the natural world works. A law is a description, usually mathematical, of the way some part of the natural world behaves under a given set of conditions. For example, the theory of evolution attempts to explain the great complexity and diversity (and relatedness) of living things. While Newton's law of gravity describes the way bodies are attracted to one another (it can be written mathematically like so: F=G(m1m2/r^2)).

    Both theories and laws are subject to revision if and when new evidence comes to light. For example, if we were to discover two masses that weren't related by the inverse square of the distance between them, the law of gravitation would have to be revised or thrown out. Or, on the other hand, if it were discovered, say, that our understanding of physics was wrong and CO2 wasn't actually a greenhouse gas, global warming theory would have to be significantly revised or scrapped entirely.

    So as it stands, global warming is and always will be a scientific theory. Time will tell if it's a good one or not (from what we know so far, it certainly seems to be).

  10. when they find out that it is true it becomes a law

  11. Simply by repeating it enough times, using big name personalities to drive home the points and using a few examples that kind of back the theory.  Together they can over time become the defacto standard and what you call the law.

    However it is a known fact that global warming does run in cycles as does global cooling and ice ages.  Since man has industrialized so heavily over the last two centuries he has contributed and also just the fact of larger population on earth has also contributed to global warming, fact not fiction, but man is not all to blame for a natural thing.  So in the next century we may very well head back towards a mini ice age like in the 1400-1500s.  Then everyone will be complaining about the cold all year.

  12. When they say in ten years earth's temperature will be this much, and they are right on.

  13. When the data backs it up.  And it has.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut and the first Commander of the Naval Space Command

  14. It's because people want to feel better about forcing their values on others, so they've invented a scientific justification.

  15. When h**l freezes over

    But with global warming I guess that would be never

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