
How does the U.S. come into being involved in the Russia Georgia conflict? ?

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Why does the U.S. always seem to have our hands in other countries issues? Russia, North Korea, Iran?




  1. I don't understand why the US doesn't learn to mind it's own business. When Bush took office there was a huge surplus of $$. Now, there is a monstrous deficit. The US cannot police the whole world. Every time the US interferes in another country's politics it comes back and bites them on the a_s. I am a supporter of the US, I just can't agree with most of the foreign policy decisions.

  2. To answer your question in regards to more recent US foreign policy, it has been hijacked by privateering internationalists who believe in propping or negating the sovereignty of other nations all over the world in the quest for profit.  Sadly it is all about money.  Nothing more.  Even more tragic is that America's sovereignty is just as easily negated when convenient for extra corporate greed.

    Have you noticed that isolationists are always refered to by the media and the biggest corporate hounds as the worst of the worst.  The only greater sin in todays America than being an Isolationist is to say that Israel is not important to American interests.

    As far as Georgia is concerned, we are meddling in Geogia because we want to use them as a leap from to the Caspian Sea riches bypassing the Russians and Iranians in the process.  It is not a coicidence that ever since Russia has told the internationalists that it would never own and monopolize Russians resources that it has been labeled as a pariah by these same folks.  To make matters worse the Russians do not l**k Israels boots and could care less about it.  They have committed the 2 greatest sins in the American elites agenda.

    While Americans think there country is hard at work to keep it strong at home, in reality, all foreign policy has absolutely nothing to do with American interest but rather the profit margin of the internationalists bankers and elites that run it.

    Just listen to McCain, Lieberman, Obama, Biden and all the mainstream politicians.  They all represent those people when it comes to foreign policy.  Now in contrast look at Ron Paul or a Pat Buchanan.  

    You can always see who holds the power by watching who is always lampooned.  

  3. It a natural outcome of the U.S. attitude that "We own the world" .  

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